Thinking of Transferring? You're Not Alone

By Logan Bright Modified on September 30, 2022
Tags : Academics | Campus Life

Do you feel the call of the wild? Considering transferring schools or programs? You're in good company.

Four students collaborate on their work with books and technology.

Do your feet itch with the urge to move? Have you had your fill of your campus, classmates, or professors? Tired of the same old grind? If so, you're not alone. Thousands of post-secondary students transfer programs and schools every year, seeking a better fit — or something entirely new. If you're thinking of transferring institutions or courses of study, this is for you.

Another Year, Another Million Transfers

According to the 2018 Transfer & Mobility Report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, over one third of all post-secondary students transfer programs or schools. Of 2.8 million first-time students surveyed in the United States, over a million transferred to another institution. More than two-thirds of these transfers took place in a student's first year or two of study. So don't worry if you're not feeling it right away. You have options!

A Scoop of Summer Swirl

Clearly, there's a lot of demand for student mobility. It's not all wanderlust, though. Roughly a third of those million students actually transferred to a two-year community college for the summer, giving them a chance to shore up grades, get a jump-start on credits, and save money, before returning to their original four-year program in the fall. These "summer swirlers" typically have higher degree completion rates than their peers — so if you're serious about getting your degree, maybe you'd enjoy a scoop of "summer swirl"?

Canadian University Transfer Programs

In an effort to make transferring easier, many universities in Canada have partnered with colleges to provide University Transfer programs. Students in these programs begin their four-year degree at a college, completing the first half of their degree in a supportive, intimate college environment, before transferring to a university campus for their third and fourth years. If you're nervous about getting swallowed whole on your first day, consider a University Transfer, which will let you acclimate more gently to post-secondary life.

Provincial Transfer Offices

Through University Transfer programs, Canadian schools are working to make transferring painless, but it can still be tricky. Usually, transfer students must apply for admission to their desired school, submitting transcripts and paying fees, before even knowing which of their credits will transfer. Luckily, many provinces have offices to help you with transferring credits, like BCTransferGuide, ONTransfer and Transfer Alberta, to name a few. Are you in the US? Try an online service like, which helps match your existing credits to programs and schools.

Transfer Into Your Future

Today, more and more students are choosing to transfer. Be it summer swirlers grabbing all the grades they can, University Transfer participants easing into academic life, or just those looking for a change of pace, student mobility has never been more accessible.

Are you considering transferring? Don't freak out. Lots of people transfer, especially early in their post-secondary careers. You're not alone! But be clear-headed about your goals, and know that it's unlikely 100% of your credits will be transferrable to your new program or school. When in doubt, speak with your registrar or a counsellor for expert advice.

You're free to choose your academic path. There are innumerable roads to success — a transfer might be just the ticket to finding yours.

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