You Belong Here: Accessibility Supports that Make Durham College Safe, Inclusive, and Accessible

By Durham College Modified on June 27, 2023
Tags : Academics | Campus Life | Community | Health and Wellness | News

DC is constantly making improvements to ensure campus is accessible to all. Here's how!

You Belong Here: Accessibility Supports that Make Durham College Safe, Inclusive, and Accessible

Diversity, inclusion, integrity, and respect are foundational values that drive Durham College (DC) forward. The accessibility of each DC campus is critical, and we are committed to preventing and removing barriers for all students, faculty, employees and visitors so everyone can fully participate in our campus community.

Guided by our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (PDF), we are working towards creating a truly barrier-free campus. From mobility equipment charging stations to accessible learning resources and supports to accessible campus bus tours during Open House events — we are focused on providing a safe and inviting environment to support all members of our DC community.

Here are just a few of the campus features, services, and supports available that make DC safe, inclusive, and accessible:

Setting you up for success

The Access and Support Centre delivers professional and confidential services to students with an identified exceptionality or who need support. Services include peer and computerized notetaking, peer coaching, a dedicated test centre, as well as a social group to provide equal opportunities to everyone on campus.

Improving our campus environment

At DC, we continuously make physical changes to our campuses to make our student and faculty spaces as accessible as possible. This includes improving interior and exterior spaces such as installing Tactile Walking Surface Indicators on curbs and stairwells, installing fire strobe lights in Whitby campus residential labs, ensuring accessible counter heights, updating braille wayfinding, and purchasing new mobility device charging stations.

Offering accessible campus visits

We want to meet you! Our campus tours and student recruitment events are specifically designed to help you explore everything DC has to offer by providing accessible campus tour routes and accommodations.

Preventing and removing barriers to access

Established in 2003, DC's Accessibility Coordinating Committee is focused on creating a barrier-free campus for all individuals with disabilities or exceptionalities. The committee meets several times each year and includes members from across the college as well as community partners. This working group supports accessibility planning at DC and follows the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Integrated Accessibility Standards.

To learn more about DC's accessibility efforts, goals and priorities, check out our 2021-2025 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (PDF).

Learn more about DC's Accessiblity and Support Centre

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