Time Management Tips for Future York U Students

By York University Modified on September 11, 2018
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3 York U tools and tips that can help you organize your life and achieve academic success.


For many students, the first day of classes can feel a little like New Year’s Eve. It marks the beginning of another year and an opportunity to set personal and academic resolutions. To prepare for university life, you might promise yourself that you’ll develop better study habits or improve your class attendance. No matter what goals you set for the academic year, there’s one secret to achieving them: time management.

Use a Planning Tool

Whether you use an agenda or your cellphone, writing down your commitments and due dates will help you stay on track. Combine daily to-do lists, weekly agendas, and year-long calendars to keep both short- and long-term goals in mind. For free time management templates, visit York U’s Learning Skills Services website.

Set Priorities

To use your time effectively, you should prioritize assignments depending on their urgency and how much time you need to complete each project.

The earlier you start reviewing for exams and working on assignments, the shorter your daily study sessions will be. Check out York U’s SPARK program, used by many of our students, for some useful tips and advice on how to plan ahead and avoid procrastination.

Visit the Future Students Website

If you’re applying to university this year, get a head start by visiting the York University Future Students website. You’ll find info about programs, application deadlines, admission requirements, scholarships and much more.

Another option is to visit us at the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) later this month to speak with our current students, professors and admission experts.

We hope that the tips and tools provided help you achieve your goals for this academic year. There is no doubt that if you commit to your timelines and get into focus mode you can achieve great things!

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