How to Choose a University that is the Right Fit for You

By Thompson Rivers University Modified on October 15, 2011
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Choosing a University is not a quick and easy decision and research is the key to making the right choice. When comparing institutions take a look at location, cost of living, class size and campus size, student services, tuition and of course the programs - we are ALL different! Much like buying a new shirt, you want to make sure it is the right fit otherwise, you might not be comfortable “wearing it.”

You will be attending university for up to four years, so it’s important to take a look at where you will be living and ask questions like, “is there student housing?, “how far away is the campus from grocery stores, restaurants and shopping?”, “what is the weather like in this city?”, “what type of amenities does the campus and city have?”, “what is there to do for fun off campus?” Class size is also an important factor, Thompson Rivers University has an average class size of 30-45 students, making your university experience more personal and hands on.

Student services like Orientation, Peer Support, Campus Bookstores, Academic Advising, Financial Aid and Awards, Student Unions, and food services are a few of the services that should be researched. These departments are available to make your journey through post-secondary education a success. Thompson Rivers University aims to assist you in whatever stage of university life you may be by providing a broad range of student services.

When choosing a university, you need to look at the types of programs that are offered, admission requirements and tuition. Although most institutions will offer the same types of programs like Arts, Science and Business, some offer programs that are unique to their institution.

Thompson Rivers University is a flexible university offering everything from upgrading, one year certificates, two –three year diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, trades and graduate programs. If you aren’t sure what you want to take, start with a diploma and then transfer into the third year of a degree.

Admission requirements also vary by institution; this is a great reason why you should apply to as many as possible! At TRU we do not use your GPA as a basis for admission. We recognize that students with a range of GPAs can be successful in university. Instead, we look for minimum admission requirements specific to each program and then, students who meet these requirements are eligible to apply to that program. GPA is then used to reward students – a better GPA will earn you an earlier course registration date.

Thompson Rivers University has one of the lowest tuition in Western Canada and has over 1.4 million dollars in entrance scholarships and bursaries. No matter where you choose to go, tuition is not free. Do your research to find out the cost of programs at each institution and find one that fits your budget.

With the right research, choosing a university can be a fun process. The easiest way to see if a university is the right fit for you is to “test drive it”, come to TRU for a campus tour! You wouldn’t buy a $40,000 car without test driving it so why would you “buy” a university without doing the same!

TRU started accepting applications for all programs October 1, 2011. Application information can be found on our home page, Contact the Welcome Centre at or 50.828.5006 for more information about campus visits, program information and help with applications.

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