Plan B Strategies

By Red Deer College Modified on May 18, 2010
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By Lani Ledingham, PR Consultant at RDC

I was a spring chicken that had hatched and didn’t know which direction I was to go in.  Pieces of ‘shell’ lay around me of the few years of experience I had gained in life thus far, and I was at the point where I felt certain of my dream, but not quite sure how to pursue it.

I was 23 when I returned to college and it never worked out exactly the way I originally planned, but it has proven to be the best thing for me. 

I had applied to film school in Los Angeles with the New York Film Academy for an 8-week filmmaking program. It was going to cost me about $12,000 CAD to make this venture happen and student loans were not an option. I thought my application must’ve been quite stellar to even get accepted, and then I realized I had merely coughed up (quite literally) the application fee and that was all it took.

So when my plans for film school and an osmosis Hollywood education crumbled, I began to look elsewhere. After some searching I found a Communications program at an Alberta college and studied there for two years, majoring in Advertising/Public Relations.  It gave me the skill-set I needed for the job I am now in – Public Relations Consultant at Red Deer College.

I started at RDC four years ago and have learned that the platform I had been given prepared me for the job I am now in. In my role I handle media relations, write stories, manage projects and meet loads of new people. I am developing a skill-set at RDC that is invaluable!

The people I get to work with are genuine and have allowed me to grow in my career through tackling new initiatives and professional development opportunities.

Along my “Plan B” journey I learned that you really need to consider all options worthy because you never know what door will open for you. When searching programs, ask a lot of questions of advisors and counsellors – get the information you need to find out what is best suited for you.  What we want will require specific steps along the way, so why not ask yourself “Where I’m at, what is the best program for me right now? If I could do anything, what would it be?”  Dream and imagine the possibilities. Then you can really lay out the steps you need to take to get there.

“Plan B” for me came together when I realized I liked a few different things and found a program that was able to mix those interests into a nice package that has brought me where I am today – at RDC.

Whether you know where you’re headed or not, RDC can help.  With over 75 programs to choose from, you’re bound to find a click for you. Those niggling questions that keep you up at night with the confusion of where to go and what to take don’t need to be a bother anymore.  Not everyone knew at the age of six that they wanted to be a neurosurgeon or an English teacher.

RDC can help you ask the right questions to figure out the best path for you. You’ll get the skills you need to create the resume you want! And perhaps you’ll get to have the same genuine experience I’ve grown to love at RDC.

So why not dig a little deeper. Search your options. Find a program that will develop you as a person and can take you one step closer to your dream.

RDC – when you get here you understand. Visit for more information.
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