Northern Lights Academy of Cosmetology Ltd.

Label Label Label

Tuition Fees

Canadian Students:$5,628

Notes for Canadian Students:

Tuition does not have to be paid in full on the first day of classes. However, Northern Lights Academy of Cosmetology LTD. expects that $2214.83 (aprox. 1/3 of the total) be paid on the first day of training with the subsequent payments of the tuition to be paid on the first of each month following. Full payment will be the third month of training. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in student termination from the program. ( A 5% surcharge on accumulated balance owing.)

Supplementary Fees 2024 - 2025

Kit and Books

NOTE: Throughout the course, students may need to purchase items at wholesale cost to replenish their kit. (hairspray, clips, bobby pins, etc.) As the student becomes more proficient, they may choose to purchase more expensive equipment to replace the items in their kit.


NOTE: This fee is mandatory.

Modified on August 21, 2007