Anthropology (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursAnthropology and Sociology (BA) Bachelor; Co-opChild Studies (BA) BachelorCommunication and Cultural Studies (BA) BachelorCommunication Studies (BA) BachelorCommunity and Organizational Leadership (Cert) CertificateEconomics (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursEconomics (BComm) BachelorEnvironmental Geography (BSc) BachelorFamily Life Education (Cert) CertificateGeospatial Technologies (Cert) CertificateHuman Environment (BA) Bachelor; HonoursHuman Relations (BA) BachelorImmigration Studies (Cert) CertificateInterdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality (BA) BachelorIrish Studies (BA, Cert) BachelorJournalism (BA) Bachelor; Co-opKaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program (Psychology BA) Not ApplicableNeuroscience (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursPolitical Science (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursPsychology (BA, BSc) Bachelor; HonoursScience and Technology (Cert) CertificateSociology (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursSouthern Asia Studies (BA) BachelorUrban Studies and Urban Planning (BA) Bachelor; HonoursWomen's Studies (BA, Cert) Bachelor
Acting for the Theatre (BFA) BachelorArt History (BFA) BachelorArt History and Film Studies (BFA) BachelorArt History and Studio Art (BFA) BachelorCeramics (BFA) BachelorComputation Arts (BFA) BachelorComputer Science – Computation Arts (BCompSc) Bachelor; Co-opContemporary Dance (BFA) BachelorDesign (BFA) BachelorElectroacoustic Studies (BFA) BachelorFibres and Material Practices (BFA) BachelorFilm and Moving Image Studies (BFA) BachelorFilm Animation (BFA) BachelorFilm Production (BFA) BachelorIntermedia (Video, Performance and Electronic Arts) (BFA) BachelorJazz Studies (BFA) BachelorMusic (BFA) BachelorPainting and Drawing (BFA) BachelorPerformance Creation (BFA) BachelorPhotography (BFA) BachelorPrint Media (BFA) BachelorSculpture (BFA) BachelorStudio Art (BFA) Bachelor
Arts and Science (Cert) CertificateClassics (BA) Bachelor; HonoursCreative Writing (BA) Bachelor; HonoursEnglish and Creative Writing (BA) Bachelor; HonoursEnglish and History (BA) BachelorEnglish Literature (BA) Bachelor; HonoursEtudes francaises (French Studies) (BA) BachelorHistory (BA) Bachelor; HonoursItalian (BA) Bachelor; HonoursJudaic Studies (BA) Bachelor; HonoursLiberal Arts (BA) Bachelor; HonoursLinguistics (BA) Bachelor; HonoursModern Arabic Language and Culture (Cert) CertificateModern Chinese Language and Culture (Cert) CertificatePastoral Care (Cert) CertificatePhilosophy (BA) Bachelor; HonoursReligions and Cultures (BA) Bachelor; HonoursSpanish, Hispanic Cultures and Literatures (BA) Bachelor; HonoursTheological Studies (BA) Bachelor; HonoursTraduction (Translation) (BA) Bachelor; Co-op
Accountancy (BComm) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursAccountancy (Cert) CertificateActuarial Mathematics (BA, BSc) Bachelor; HonoursActuarial Mathematics/Finance (BA, BSc) Bachelor; Co-opBusiness Studies (Cert) CertificateBusiness Technology Management (BComm) Bachelor; Co-opCommunity, Public Affairs and Policy Studies (BA) BachelorFinance (BComm) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursFoundations for Business (Cert) CertificateHuman Resource Management (BComm) Bachelor; Co-opInternational Business (BComm) Bachelor; Co-opKaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program (BComm) Not ApplicableManagement (BComm) BachelorMarketing (BComm) Bachelor; Co-opSupply Chain Operations Management (BComm) Bachelor; Co-op
Aerospace Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opBuilding Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opCivil Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opComputer Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opElectrical Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opIndustrial Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opKaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program (BEng) Not ApplicableMechanical Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-opSoftware Engineering (BEng) Bachelor; Co-op
Biochemistry (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursBiology (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursCell and Molecular Biology (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursChemistry (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursEcology (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursNeuroscience (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursPhysics (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursScience Foundations (Cert) Certificate
Computer Science – Computation Arts (BCompSc) Bachelor; Co-opMathematical and Computational Finance (BA, BSc) Bachelor; Co-opMathematics and Statistics (BA, BSc) BachelorPure and Applied Mathematics (BA. BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursStatistics (BA, BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Adult Education (Cert) CertificateArt Education, Visual Arts (BFA) BachelorEarly Childhood and Elementary Education (BA) BachelorTeaching English as a Second Language (Cert) CertificateTeaching English as a Second Language (TESL) (BEd) Bachelor
Athletic Therapy (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursExercise Science (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursKinesiology and Clinical Exercise Physiology (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursRecreation and Leisure Studies (BA) BachelorTherapeutic Recreation (BA) Bachelor
Computer Science (BCompSc) Bachelor; Co-op
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