Electronics Assemblers

(NOC 9483)


The following statistics apply to the career grouping of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Assemblers (NOC 948), which includes Electronics Assemblers.

Workers are employed in the following industries: Manufacturing (85%), Wholesale trade (4%), Professional, scientific and technical services (3%), Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services (3%).

According to the Labour Force Survey (2009), women represented 47% of workers in this occupation, compared to the average of 48% for all occupations.

This occupation (Electronics Assemblers, Fabricators, Inspectors and Testers) is part of a larger group called Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Assemblers (NOC 948). According to the Labour Force Survey (2009), the unionization rate for this group was 43%, while the unionization rate for all occupations was 31%.

Modified on January 26, 2022