University of California - Los Angeles

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UCLA's primary purpose as a public research university is the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society.

To fulfill this mission, UCLA is committed to academic freedom in its fullest terms: We value open access to information, free and lively debate conducted with mutual respect for individuals, and freedom from intolerance. In all of our pursuits, we strive for excellence and diversity, recognizing that openness and inclusion produce true quality. These values underlie our three institutional responsibilities: education, research and public service.

Areas of Expertise

Discovery, creativity and innovation are hallmarks of UCLA. As one of the world's great research universities, we are committed to ensuring excellence across a wide range of disciplines, professions and arts while also encouraging investigation across disciplinary boundaries. In so doing, UCLA advances knowledge, addresses pressing societal needs and creates a university enriched by diverse perspectives where all individuals can flourish.

On Campus Housing

To experience university life fully, nothing equals living on campus where students enjoy convenience and a sense of community. All of the on campus housing complexes are just a short walk away from classrooms, laboratories, libraries and sports facilities.

UCLA has 17 on-campus housing options for students.

For more information, check out UCLA's housing options.

Off Campus Housing

For those who prefer off campus housing, UCLA offers nine University Apartment Complexes in Westwood Village within walking distance of campus (Gayley Court, Gayley Towers, Glenrock, Glenrock West, Landfair, Landfair Vista, Levering Terrace, Westwood Chateau and Westwood Palm).

Career Planning

Everyone's journey is different. We're here to help you on your journey.

No matter where you are in your journey, the Career Center has the tools and resources to help! From career exploration to skill development, our dedicated staff works with you to help you discover your professional strengths as you prepare for graduate school or full-time employment.

Check out UCLA's career centre to view all of its resources.


On top of UCLA's varsity teams, they also offer intramural and recreation sports.

Explore UCLA Recreation in-person and online classes, programs, and activities. Be an #ActiveBruin.

To learn more about available recreational activities, check out UCLA Rec.


UCLA is a mosaic of culture and activity. With more than 1,200 clubs and student organizations, you'll find ample opportunities to discover new interests and make friends with like-minded Bruins.

For more information, view UCLA's clubs.

Campus Tour

Explore UCLA's beautiful campus, tradition of academic excellence, vibrant student body and vast array of resources and opportunities.

We offer online webinars hosted by UCLA students.

Check out the campus tours page for more info.

Modified on November 11, 2021