Dalhousie University

Label Label Label

Tuition Fees

Canadian Students:$5,172 - $18,351
International Students:$10,576 - $43,442

Notes for Canadian Students:

How much will your Dalhousie education cost in an average year? That depends on a variety of factors, including the program you've chosen and the number of courses you're taking.

Notes for International Students:

How much will your Dalhousie education cost in an average year? That depends on a variety of factors, including the program you've chosen and the number of courses you're taking.

Supplementary Fees 2025 - 2026

Facilities Renewal

NOTE: This fee is assessed to all students to assist with deferred building maintenance. Full-time students pay $100.60 per term, while part-time students pay $33.30 per term.

Society fee

NOTE: This fee provides membership in student societies and is charged per term.

Student Service Fee

NOTE: This fee provides Dalhousie University students with administrative, athletics (full-time students) and health services. $47.80 for part-time students; $172.40 for full-time students.

Student Union fee

NOTE: Every student registered at Dalhousie University is a member of the Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) and required to pay a Student Union fee as part of the registration procedure. These fees have been approved by students in referenda and, along with other revenue of the Union, are allocated each year by the Student Council budget. $40.18 for part-time students; $77.28 for full-time students.

Undergraduate Application Fee

NOTE: This fee is mandatory.

University Bus Pass

NOTE: The U-Pass is a transit pass specifically for full-time Dalhousie students, valid for unlimited use, 7 days a week from September 1, 2022 - April 30, 2023. U-Pass is accepted on all conventional Metro Transit buses and ferries. Additional fare may be required on premium routes, such as MetroLink and Community Transit buses. The current cost is $167.70 and is charged in the fall term. For students beginning in January, a prorated fee is charged.

Dalhousie Student Union Health Plan

NOTE: Only full time students that start in September are automatically enrolled on the plan. If you are on Co-Op, exchange, a distance student or are starting in January you must OPT IN to the plan. The DSU Health Plan provides benefits at a lower cost compared to traditional group plans. The cost of the DSU Health and Dental Plan can be confirmed by contacting the office directly. Students with equivalent insurance may apply to Opt Out through Dal Online.

Modified on October 17, 2023