Persons from various church affiliations are welcome to apply, provided they meet the general admissions requirements and the standards of conduct. Admission to Master’s is based on the following three criteria: Christian Life and Testimony - Applicants must have lived a consistent Christian life within the context of a local church for at least one year prior to enrolment; Minimum Academic Requirements - Applicants must have completed grade 12 (one year of CEGEP if they are from Quebec), be a transfer student, a mature student or a home school student. Additional documentation will be required for transfer, mature and home school applicants; English Proficiency - Applicants must submit proof of their English proficiency, if English is not their first language.
Contact Admissions Counsellor, Flora Anthony, by phone (1-800-295-6368 FREE) or email at [email protected]
New students have two options for applying to Master’s College and Seminary:
1. Submit the Occasional Student Application Form if you only want to enroll in some courses, rather than apply to a program (this includes students doing courses on a Letter of Permission). As an Occasional Student you can complete up to five courses (maximum of three per semester), prior to having to submit the Regular Application Form to be accepted into a program.
2. Submit the Regular Application Form if you want to be accepted into a Certificate, Diploma or Degree program
The completed application form and all documents should be submitted by the following due dates. Application forms received after those dates will be processed as time permits.
Canadian & US Applicants: Fall Semester: August 1st; Winter Semester: December 1st. Application Fee: $75.00