Springfield College

Excellence Scholarship for Graduate Study

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Provided bySpringfield College
Number Available4
DeadlineMarch 01, 2025
Type of AwardScholarship


Level of StudyMaster;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyEntering first year, Entering or in first year, Entering or in second year
Course LoadFull-time or Part-time
School of StudySpringfield College
Region of StudyUnited States
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceInternational or Visa Student, Canada
Academic Standing80
Financial NeedNo
Automatic ConsiderationNo


Awarded to four new and four returning graduate students annually who have proven records of academic and personal achievements and superior professional promise. Financial need is not a factor. The Excellence Scholarship is an 18 credit tuition waiver that is applied over the course of one academic year. Funds will be available beginning in the fall semester. The Excellence Scholarship cannot be combined with the Community Leadership Scholarship or the Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship. The Excellence Scholarship cannot be combined with a fellowship/associateship and will supersede any Springfield College Grant offered to students that participate in direct entry programs. New graduate student recipients must be admitted in good standing with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of no less than a 3.5 or a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.75. GPA is recalculated at the point of scholarship consideration. Returning graduate student recipients must be enrolled in good standing with a cumulative GPA of a 3.75 with no less than 18 semester hours of graduate coursework completed. GPA is recalculated at the point of scholarship consideration. Completed applications, including letters of recommendation, must be received in full.

Contact Information

Contact NameSpringfield College
Application Addresshttps://springfield.edu/financial-aid/graduate/scholarships
Tuesday, January 07, 2025

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