Canada's Simplest Scholarship by Wealthsimple

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Provided byWealthsimple
Number Available1
DeadlineJuly 04, 2024
Type of AwardScholarship


Level of StudyHigh School Diploma; Certificate; Diploma; Post-diploma; Associate; Bachelor; Master; Doctorate;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyAll Years
Course LoadFull-time or Part-time
School of StudyAny School
Region of StudyCanada
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceCanada
Academic Standing0
Financial NeedNo
Status in CanadaPermanent Resident
Automatic ConsiderationNo


Canada's Simplest Scholarship from Wealthsimple

Unlock $5,000 with Canada's Simplest Scholarship!

Paying for school can be complicated. Wealthsimple keeps it simple with "Canada's Simplest Scholarship" — a $5,000 scholarship for a domestic student entering or enrolled in post-secondary education for fall 2024/25 with a Wealthsimple RESP.

To view the full terms and conditions for this scholarship program, click here.

Apply Now

It's easy!

  • Open a Wealthsimple RESP (if you don't already have one)
    • Need help? Book a 1:1 call with our RESP onboarding specialists Maryam or Sarthak
  • Complete the 2-minute application form

Apply now for Canada's Simplest Scholarship

Thursday, July 04, 2024

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