Energy Creates Scholarship Contest

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Provided byEnergy Creates
Number Available5
DeadlineAugust 31, 2024
Type of AwardContest


Level of StudyCertificate; Diploma; Post-diploma; Associate; Bachelor; Master; Doctorate;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyAll Years
Course LoadFull-time or Part-time
School of StudyAny School
Region of StudyCanada
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceInternational or Visa Student, Canada
Academic Standing0
Financial NeedNo
Status in CanadaPermanent Resident
Automatic ConsiderationNo


Power up your creativity! Join Energy Creates, Canada's nationwide challenge to illuminate the Energy Sector and light up your path to success! Energy Creates challenges youth ages 15 - 25 to think about how energy shapes our lives, pumps up the economy and empowers our country on the global stage. This creative, nation-wide contest looks to illuminate the path to a brighter future: for our country, our planet, and the contest winners. Five Energy Creates contest winners will each receive a full scholarship of up to $100,000 for their post-secondary studies! So what do you think? Are you ready to ignite your creativity and inspire a brilliant future? Let's inspire Canadians with Energy Creates! Just four steps to apply:
  1. 1. Create an account
  2. 2. Watch a documentary
  3. 3. Pass a quiz
  4. 4. Get creative and share
Four scholarships are available to Canadian students, while one scholarship is reserved for an international student studying and living in Canada.

Contact Information

Contact NameEnergy Creates
Application Address
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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