Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder Fairs Spring Madness Contest: $250 Apple Gift Card Giveaway

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Provided byStudy and Go Abroad Fairs
Number Available1
DeadlineMarch 03, 2024
Type of AwardContest
DonorStudy and Go Abroad Fairs


Level of StudyCertificate; Diploma; Post-diploma; Associate; Bachelor; Master; Doctorate;
ModifierCo-op; Honours; Distance; University Transfer; Apprenticeship;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyAll Years
Course LoadFull-time or Part-time
School of StudyAny School
Region of Studyn/s
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceCanada
Academic Standing0
LanguageEnglish, French
Financial NeedNo
Status in CanadaPermanent Resident, Protected Person
Automatic ConsiderationNo


Study and Go Abroad

Bringing the World of Studies to you! Win a $250 Apple Gift Card in Study and Go Abroad Fair’s Education contest.

Join us in Vancouver, Montreal, or Toronto this spring! Explore opportunities for degrees, diplomas and certificate programs, and meet in-person with representatives from universities, colleges, and professional schools from Canada and around the world. Current high school students as well as college and uni students considering post-grad options are encouraged to join!

Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder Fair is Canada’s largest international university and student travel expo. If you are looking for your next step in education either at home or abroad, or to check out gap year options (work abroad, language travel, etc.) Check the Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder Fairs website for more information about the fairs.

Contact Information

Contact NameStudy and Go Abroad Fairs
Address1484 Doran Road
North Vancouver, BC
Postal CodeV7K 1N2
Application Address
Friday, February 09, 2024

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