$2,500 SGI Corporate Scholarship

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Provided bySGI Canada
Number Available7
DeadlineSeptember 30, 2024
Type of AwardScholarship


Level of StudyCertificate; Diploma; Bachelor;
ModifierCo-op; Honours; Online; Distance; University Transfer;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyAll Years
Course LoadFull-time
School of StudyAny School
Region of StudyAlberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceAlberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario
Academic Standing70
ActivitiesHumanitarian projects, School or Community Service, Sports, Volunteer
Financial NeedNo
Status in CanadaPermanent Resident
Automatic ConsiderationNo


Eligibility criteria

Applicant must:

  • Be a resident of Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba or Ontario.
  • Not be a legal dependant of an SGI CANADA employee (legal dependants of SGI and SGI CANADA employees are eligible for the SGI Anniversary Scholarships only).
  • Be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate certificate, diploma, or degree program related to the business needs of SGI CANADA at an accredited post-secondary campus in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba or Ontario. We define business needs broadly to include all aspects and departments in the corporation.
  • Submit proof of enrolment in the fall semester of the current academic year.
  • Submit a transcript demonstrating a minimum average of 70% in the last academic year of study.
  • Demonstrate contribution to community, extracurricular activities or commitments made in balancing work, education and home responsibilities.

SGI Corporate Scholarship

Application Form

Email your completed SGI Corporate Scholarship application form to: scholarships@sgi.sk.ca

SGI will accept applications starting May 1. Students must provide proof of enrollment in the fall semester with their application.

Selection process

We’ll enter all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria in a draw and we’ll notify the 7 winners in early October.


SGI doesn't guarantee employment for award recipients; however, we may give the recipients preferential consideration following the completion of their studies, and/or for summer or co-op work terms.

Contact Information

Contact NameSGI Scholarships
Application Addresshttps://sgi.sk.ca/scholarships
Monday, July 22, 2024

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