Western University

Arts & Humanities Neen Hodgins President's International Entrance Scholarship

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Provided byWestern University
Number Available1
DeadlineFebruary 14, 2025
Type of AwardScholarship
RenewableYes, 4 year(s)


Level of StudyBachelor;
Field of StudyArt/Art Studies, General, Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other, Fine/Studio Arts, General, General Studies, Humanities/Humanistic Studies, Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies more, Visual and Performing Arts, General less
Year of StudyEntering first year
Course LoadFull-time
School of StudyWestern University
Region of StudyOntario
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceInternational or Visa Student
Academic Standing90
Financial NeedNo
CitizenshipAny but Canada
Automatic ConsiderationNo


National Scholarships are designed to recognize all-round excellence. They are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance to candidates who demonstrate ability for creative and innovative thought and a passion for the pursuit of learning. National Scholarships also recognize exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities such as the arts and athletics. A special emphasis is placed on a candidate's commitment to community service through ongoing contributions to school and community life.

There is ONE award available valued at $80,000; payable $20,000 per academic year for a period of four years.

Contact Information

Contact NameNorma Merino
TitleStudent Financial Services Officer
AddressRm 1140 Western Student Services Building
London, ON
Postal CodeN6A 3k7
Phone519 661- 2111 ext 85958
E-mail[email protected]
Application Addresshttps://registrar.uwo.ca/student_finances/scholarships_awards/admission/national_scholarship_program.html
Tuesday, October 08, 2024

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