
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts
Campus: Saint John

We express ourselves through our language, and our language also gives us the form and structure to shape the very ideas and feelings we experience. To speak several languages easily and fluently is thus to be granted access to a complex and rich world.

Study French at UNB and you’ll deepen your mastery of French and encounter complex Francophone cultures from around the world. You’ll strengthen your writing, speaking, and translation skills, and study the poetry, prose, and films of writers and directors from nearby Acadie and from around the world. 

French is available as a major, double major, or minor within the Bachelor of Arts (BA) program.

A minor in French Communications and Culture is available through the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program. 

A Certificate of Proficiency in French Communication and Culture is also available. Students who complete the certificate program can move on to the Diplôme de Bilinguisme (Certificate Level Two). 

Why French at UNB? 

In a bilingual province and a bilingual country, fluency in both official languages is essential. By studying in Canada’s only official bilingual province, you’ll gain a unique learning experience as you immerse yourself in both English and Francophone cultures simultaneously.   

Hands-on learning

  • Opportunities to study at universities in France, including the Universite de Poitiers
  • Exposure to famous Francophone writers, poets, and novelists through UNB-hosted events and readings

Skills you will acquire:

  • Critical thinking
  • Understanding of how language shapes culture
  • Understanding complex cultures
  • Critical thinking
  • Written and oral communication
  • Translation
  • Research and assessment
  • Organizational
  • Interpersonal 

For more information, see the Department of Humanities & Languages.

Admission requirements

For admission requirements, select "Arts" in our admission requirements tool.

Sample Courses

  • FR 3407: Aspects of World Francophone Cultures
  • FR 2204: Effective Writing in French
  • FR 3714: Aspects of Acadian and Franco-Ontario Cultures
  • FR 3734: Language of French Literature and Film


  • Public relations/information specialist
  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Researcher
  • Civil servant
  • Teacher/Professor (may require additional education and training)
  • Speech Pathologist (may require additional education and training)
  • Translator (may require additional education and training)
  • Interpreter (may require additional education and training)
  • Librarian (may require additional education and training)
  • Publicist (may require additional education and training)