Economics & Politics

This programme is not currently offered, please select another.

DN Code: DN062
Programme Short Name: BA (Hons)
Load (FT vs PT): Full Time
Levels (UG, G, etc): Undergraduate studies
Course Information:

No longer a seperate entry route from 2010 please see: DN012


Minimum CAO Points 2008: 440
Average CAO Points 2008: 465
Average Intake: 12
Length of Programme: 3 Years

Why is this course for me?

This programme allows you to reach a better understanding of who and what influence the decisions that determine national and international economic policies.

The BA degree in Economics & Politics is an exciting multidisciplinary joint-major programme that gives you the opportunity to study these complementary subjects together in a systematic way. It allows you to reach a better understanding of who and what influence the decisions that determine national and international economic policies.

It also equips you with the quantitative skills needed to analyse economic policies. The combination of subjects does not pre-suppose any particular school subjects although it is an advantage for you to have ability in mathematics for Economics and an interest in current affairs for Politics. Please see subject descriptions on Arts Omnibus pages.

What will I study?

In Stage 1, you will gain an understanding of political systems, how they work and the ideas that underpin them, examining how they operate in different countries of the world, making comparisons and looking at the fundamental questions of political philosophy. Alongside these you will study the principles of macro- and micro-economics. For this joint honours degree you must also take quantitative economics – which uses applied mathematical methods to solve economic problems at both the macro and the micro level.

As you progress through Stage 2 you will develop your understanding of comparative politics, international relations and political theory as well as your knowledge of economics and society. You will be introduced to the analysis of contemporary public policy and international political economy. You will have the opportunity to specialise in a range of areas such as Ireland, globalisation and European integration so that you can maximise the learning opportunities presented by these closely interrelated subjects.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

A wide range of employment opportunities in the public and private sector is available to you, both in Ireland and abroad.
Areas include the print and broadcasting media, the Civil Service, the diplomatic service, business, administration and research, as well as careers as public representatives and in academic life.

International Study Opportunity:

During Stage 2, you are encouraged to spend a year at another European university through the Erasmus exchange scheme, or through other international exchanges at non-European universities; when you return to UCD and have completed the final year of your degree, you are awarded a BA (International) degree.

Related Programs: BA - Joint Honours - full time
Economics & Finance
Law with Economics
Law with Politics
Module Information:
Contact Information:
Undergraduate Office
UCD School of Economics Newman Building (Room G215),
Belfield, Dublin 4
+353 1 716 8272/8505


Undergraduate Office
UCD School of Politics & International Relations Newman Building,
Belfield, Dublin 4

+353 1 716 8397


Entry Requirements:

Leaving Certificate:
Passes in 6 subjects (including 2 at minimum HC3) including those shown below:

A third language
Three other recognised subjects


Click below for equivalent entry requirements information for:

A-level applicants

All other EU applicants

Non-EU applicants

Post Graduate Opportunities:

Graduates of the programme will be extremely well qualified to pursue further study at master’s and PhD level. UCD offers subject-related master’s degrees in Economics, European Economic & Public Affairs, International Relations and Development Studies.