
Program Summary

Economics may be a specialized area of knowledge, but it is relevant to almost every aspect of our lives. At its core, it is the study of reasoned choice in the context of scarce resources and competing interests. The need to make such choices pervades the day-to-day lives of all of us—as individuals and in society as a whole.

In Carleton’s Bachelor of Economics (BEcon), you will study the operation of market-based economies, examining the causes of economic growth, inflation, unemployment and international trade. Students who wish to focus their studies in particular areas may choose to complete one or two of the eight available concentrations:

  • Computational Analysis
  • Development
  • Economic Theory (recommended for students intending to pursue graduate studies in economics)
  • Economic Data Science
  • Financial Economics
  • International Political Economy
  • Mathematics and Quantitative Economics
  • Natural Resources, Environment, and Economy