Respiratory Therapy

Faculty: Faculty of Science, Applied Science, and Engineering
Degree(s): Bachelor of Health Sciences
Campus: Saint John

Five-year program in Saint John

Respiratory therapists help people breathe.

From emergency care for premature babies with immature lungs, to ongoing treatment for people with chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, asthma and emphysema, respiratory therapists play an important role in lifelong health.

Respiratory therapists can be found throughout the health care system, such as:

  • hospitals
  • rehabilitation centres
  • public health clinics
  • home care services
  • research labs within universities
  • private sector corporations
  • equipment and pharmaceutical sales
  • air quality testing facilities

Open doors

A respiratory therapy degree can also open doors around the world. Health care providers in developing countries actively recruit Canadian graduates to help develop health care facilities and programs abroad.

Following completion of the BHS (Respiratory Therapy) students may pursue further training in the specialized treatment areas of perfusion technology, sleep medicine, neonatal or pediatric care and anaesthesia assistant.

Respiratory therapy is offered in collaboration with the New Brunswick Community College Saint John Campus.

For more information, see the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Admission Requirements

For admission requirements, select "Health Sciences" in our admission requirements tool.