Europe has a rich history in higher education and is home to some of the oldest and most prestigious schools in the world. Comprised of 50 countries with over 20 official languages and 4,000+ higher education institutions, Europe offers diverse cultural and educational experiences. English is the most widely spoken language (51%), though the number of English speakers varies greatly by country. Climate and landscape differ between locations, from the sandy beaches of Greece and Italy to the cold winters of northern Scandinavia. With so many countries in close proximity to each other, Europe provides great opportunities for travel and exploration.

Since education is overseen by countries individually, there is no universal system or tuition fee rate. Some public institutions have relatively low tuition fees while other schools are comparable to international student tuition fees in North America. For a detailed description of the different European education systems, visit Eurydice.

Students will need valid travel documentation to go abroad, and many Canadian students will also be required to obtain a visa.