Related Scholarships

Below are the scholarships related to "Chemistry (HBSc)"
23 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship School of StudyField of Study Value Deadline
David L. Coffen Memorial Scholarship in Organic Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralOrganic Chemistry $1,100 n/s
Robert and Jean Hadgraft Scholarship in Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General $3,100 n/s
Henry Myron Marshack Memorial Prize University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralPhysics, General $350 n/s
Adrian Brook Undergraduate Scholarship in Organic Chemistry UTAPS University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General n/s n/s
Xerox Research Centre of Canada Undergraduate Scholarships in Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General n/s n/s
Alfred and Isabel Bader Scholarship I University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralGeneral LiteratureHistory, General $1,000 n/s
Alfred and Isabel Bader Scholarship II University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralGeneral LiteratureHistory, General $1,000 n/s
Alfred and Isabel Bader Scholarship III University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralGeneral LiteratureHistory, General $1,000 n/s
Claire M.C. Kennedy Engineering Admission Award University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralEngineering, General $7,000 n/s
Daniel Wilson Award in Science (Chemistry) University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General $80 n/s
Dunn Family Award in Chemical Engineering UTAPS University of Toronto - St. George Chemical EngineeringChemistry, General n/s n/s
Marie Curie Sklodowska Association Undergraduate Scholarships University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralPhysics, General $2,100 n/s
Marlene and Erich G. Polzin Scholarship in Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General $3,000 n/s
Michael J. Walker Student bursary University of Toronto - St. George Biology/Biological Sciences, GeneralChemistry, GeneralMathematics, GeneralPhysics, General $1,500 n/s
Sarsh Cusick Gollop and William George Gollop Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General $700 n/s
The David McLaren Scholarship in Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Biological and Biomedical Sciences, OtherChemistry, General $2,000 n/s
The Edward Blake Scholarships in Science University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, GeneralPhysics, General $90 n/s
The F. E. Beamish Scholarship in Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General $975 n/s
The Frank B. Kenrick Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Chemical PhysicsChemistry, General $400 n/s
The Ivan Szak Scholarships in Chemistry University of Toronto - St. George Chemistry, General $200 n/s
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