Related Scholarships

Below are the scholarships related to "Operatic Performance - Student Stage Director"
19 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship School of StudyField of Study Value Deadline
Daniel Stainton Memorial Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Edith Binnie Memorial Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Felix & Ruth Leberg Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Mary Morrison Award in Voice Performance University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Bessie H. Jowett & Phyllis F. E. Jowett Scholarships University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Greta Kraus Scholarships University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralPiano and OrganVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Lillian Florence Blanch Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music Performance, GeneralMusic, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Robert & Joan Lederer Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Queensmen of Toronto Richard Bowles Memorial Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Irene Jessner Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Ruby Mercer Fellowship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
James Craig Opera Orchestra Award University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Frederick Malcolm Croggon Opera Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
The Luciano Pavarotti Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Voice and Opera n/s n/s
Tina Orton Memorial Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Peter & Helene Hunt Award University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
University of Toronto Women's Association Scholarship - Music University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Clementina Sauro Memorial Award University of Toronto - St. George Education, GeneralMusic Teacher EducationMusic, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
Clive and Sue Mortimer Opera Scholarship University of Toronto - St. George Music, GeneralVoice and Opera n/s n/s
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