Brescia: Scholarships for Canadian High School Students

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Provided byBrescia University College
Type of AwardScholarship
RenewableYes, 3 year(s)


Level of StudyBachelor;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyEntering first year, Entering or in first year
Course LoadFull-time
School of StudyAny School
Region of StudyOntario
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceCanada
Academic Standing82
Financial NeedNo
Status in CanadaPermanent Resident
Automatic ConsiderationYes


Brescia offers an unlimited number of automatic renewable entrance scholarships to Canadian high school students with good grades. Awards start at $2,000 per year for an academic average of 82%, up to $4,000 per year for an average of 95% or higher. Apply to Brescia to be automatically considered for these renewable entrance scholarships!
Thursday, March 23, 2023

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