IE University: Virtual Informative Session - Master in Digital Business & Innovation

Date & Time
Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Eastern Time (ET)
Event Type
Information Session - Grad School Information
Hosted By
Event Description

Join us in our virtual session to learn more about our Master in Digital Business & Innovation program. This information session is an excellent opportunity for you to gain valuable insights into the program structure, curriculum, and various aspects that make our Master's program unique. Whether you are considering furthering your education or exploring new opportunities, this session will provide a comprehensive overview.

We genuinely believe that our program can provide the knowledge and skills you seek to advance in your career. Your participation in the information session will be valuable in helping you make an informed decision.

Do not miss out on the opportunity to learn more about the program, as well as to ask any relevant questions you could have.