Top 8 Tips for Staying Motivated When Studying at Home

By Study and Go Abroad Modified on August 28, 2020
Tags : Academics

Adjusting to the realities of online studies so you and your student keep moving forward.

Top 8 Tips to Help Your Student Stay Motivated Studying at Home

Realistically, 'back to school' or 'back to university' will look a little different this fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic — and this will vary from province to province, and from school district to school district. As schools juggle the logistics of providing a safe environment, parents are naturally anxious about the risk factors involved in sending kids back to school, and the detrimental effects of not sending them back. For the foreseeable future, most students will be doing at least some of their studies online and from home.

Here are some tips to help your student stay motivated:

1. Create a timetable

Encourage students to plan ahead using a calendar and put together a study timetable to help them prioritize and keep on track. Tip: keep a 'to do' list — ticking off completed items creates a sense of achievement and progress.

2. Take regular breaks

Frequent breaks to stand up, walk around, stretch or just open the window for fresh air will keep productivity high. Tip: check out the 'Pomodoro method' to help stay focused; this time management tool breaks down studies/work into intervals of 20-25 minutes, separated by short 3-5 minute breaks. There are a few great cell phone apps available for this.

3. Have a designated study zone

It's important for students to create a designated study area somewhere at home. Tip: find a space which is quiet, with minimal distractions and keep it neat and tidy (it'll help you feel more organized).

4. Ask for help

It's important for students to keep in touch with their teachers/lecturers. Tip: ask questions, engage, ask for help if you feel you are falling behind or having trouble getting motivated.

5. Stay connected

These days, it's more important than ever to stay connected. Tips: use video chat platforms to stay in touch with classmates, as well as friends/family. Set up study groups with other students to discuss assignments, share tips, ideas and experiences.

6. Avoid multitasking

It's so easy to multi-task when you are working/studying from home, especially when listening in to online classes or lectures. Tips: put your cell phone on mute, preferable out of arm's reach, close irrelevant web pages on your computer, and take notes as you listen.

7. Stay well and healthy

It's more important than ever for us all to stay healthy with a robust immune system. Tips: have a good night's sleep, schedule time for exercise (even if it's just a walk around the block), and eat healthfully. Keep healthy snacks at hand to avoid eating junk, and minimize trips to the kitchen.

8. Keep a positive attitude

It's easy to feel frustrated and feel like our lives are 'on hold'. However, it's important to remind ourselves that 'this too shall pass.' Tips: appreciate the small stuff, practice mindfulness (again, there are some great apps out there) and be kind to yourself and others.

If your students/kids are planning ahead for their next step in education, or considering taking a gap year, they can visit the free Study and Go Abroad Virtual Fair on September 24. The event offers a unique opportunity to meet with universities and colleges from Canada and from around the world, as well as student travel and gap year specialists.

Check out the Study and Go Abroad Fair

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