stethoscope on stack of medical books

Undergraduate Medical Education

Medical leaders: our history, your future.

Founded in 1945, our Faculty was the first in North America to offer its medical program in both English and French. Our ability to develop in our students the essential skills that make them leaders in health care sets us apart. Learning takes place on the front line, alongside patients, in hospitals, communities, rural areas and abroad.


Thursday, June 20 12:00 pm ET
Stacey Smith?
Thursday, June 20 12:00 pm ET

Teaching While Trans, by Stacey Smith?

The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is pleased to welcome speaker Stacey Smith?, Professor of disease modeling at the University of Ottawa who will present her seminar “Teaching While Trans.”
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Time: 12:00 ET
Location: Zoom

Gender transitioning is on the rise among students, but it’s also happening among faculty too.
This talk defines some transgender basics and highlights some of the challenges faced in mid-career academia as a result of
transitioning from male to female. These include name changes and publications, university and online journal
bureaucracies and interactions with students and colleagues.
Finally, tips will be provided on how to be a good trans ally and small but helpful changes that can be made in the classroom
to make the environment more inclusive.


Undergraduate Medical Education

Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa
Roger Guindon Hall
451 Smyth Road, Room 2046
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5
Tel.: 613-562-5800 x8551
Email: [email protected]

Office hours

Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.