App showing data on a screen

Business Data Analytics BSc (Hons) Undergraduate - September 2024/25* & September 2025/26* Entry

Course Details

  • Start Month September
  • UCAS Code N313
  • Qualification BSc (Hons)
  • Duration 3 years
  • Placement Year Yes
  • International Experience Year Yes
  • Typical Offer 96-128 UCAS Tariff Points
  • Study Mode

    Full Time

  • Location


Big data technology - graphic interface concept for business analytics

Explore More in Business Data Analytics

With a growing demand for Data Scientists, our new course in Business Data Analytics has been designed to equip you with practical and relevant skills sought after in today's job market.

Image of a tablet displaying bar charts and graphs

Explore More in Business, Management, Marketing and Human Resource Management

We offer a range of single and joint honours Business, Management, Marketing and Human Resource Management programmes which develop key strategic and people management skills and encourage creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking.

Shows a working desk including accountancy sheet, glasses, calculator and pen.

Explore More in Accounting, Banking and Finance

Our degree programmes in Accounting, Banking and Finance address a wide range of high-profile issues affecting consumers, companies, financial institutions and the public sector. They provide highly valued knowledge and transferable skills which prepare our graduates for a wide range of potential careers.

Key Facts from Discover Uni

[0:04] Croeso i Ddiwrnod Agored Prifysgol Bangor!

[0:07] Welcome to Bangor University Open Day!

[0:29] I honestly couldn't have thought of a better place as a stepping stone

[0:32] to use to further my career than coming to Bangor.

[0:35] I think it was the best decision I've ever made.

[0:51] Come to Bangor - you're going to absolutely love it!






*The year of entry refers to the academic year in which the course begins rather than the calendar year. E.g. a course with a March 2024 start date will be shown as 'March 2023/24 Entry' because the academic year starts in September making 2023/24 the relevant academic year. Similarly, a course with a January 2023 start date will have 'January 2022/23 Entry' because 2022/23 is the academic year of entry for that course.



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