Discover: Going Abroad

Want to study in a new country? Learn a new language? Explore a new city? Then you’ve come to the right place. Here, we dive into the world of studying abroad and its amazing opportunities!
Go On an Adventure with CBU’s Student Exchange Program
Want to travel the world while simultaneously working towards your degree? With Cape Breton University's student exchange program, you can!
5 Reasons to Study Law at Bangor University
Discover why you should pursue a law degree right after high school at Bangor University in the UK.
Boosting Your Mental Health at Uni
Mental Health issues impact every aspect of a person’s life. Find out how you can improve your mental health.
From Trinidad and Tobago to Stetson Law School: Amadu Wilshire
Amadu Wilshire, Esq., runs his own law firm in the United States after completing his MA in International Law at Stetson.
Top 8 Questions to Ask When Considering Studying Abroad
Are you thinking of studying abroad? Consider asking these questions to discover your best options.
Expand Your Horizons: Spring Education Events You Won
Education events are back across the country! Join us in Vancouver, Montréal, or Toronto this spring.
Temitope Sobodu is on His Way to Becoming A
The Pharmacology PhD student credits his MCPHS education with teaching him new ways to think.
MCPHS Alumnae Join Family Business as Fourth-Generation Optometrists
Abby and Paige return to Caribou to operate their family's practice as the fourth-generation in a family of optometrists.
Sonography Student Swaps Engineering for a Look Inside the Human Body
After becoming a mother, Sangita changed careers and gained confidence at MCPHS.
Scholarships for Canadian Students in the UK at Birmingham
The University of Birmingham offers international students 10 awards per year in arts programs, and another 10 awards for law programs.
University of Lethbridge Partners with Bond University to Offer New Pathway to Law Degree
ULethbridge undergrad students can now get a law degree in five years without having to take the LSAT, thanks to new partnership with Australia's Bond University.
UNBC’s Knowledge That Moves Program to Fund International Student Travel
UNBC students will have more opportunity to include international travel as part of their studies through the Knowledge that Moves program.
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