Viewing course details for 2024 year of entry

How to apply
September 2024
£9,250 (UK) | £16,600 (INT)
3 years full-time, 5 years part-time (average)
Course Leader
Shuo Liu
Study mode
On campus
Hendon campus
Entry Requirements
112 UCAS points
Placement year
School / Department
School of Design

Introducing our new Learning Framework

After working with our students to gather feedback on what they love most about our courses, we’re making some changes to how we structure and teach our programmes for the start of the 2024/25 academic year. You can find more information about how this course is affected by viewing the relevant course information sheet on our Learning Framework page.

Course overview

A degree from Middlesex University is a sign you can meet the professional demands employers are looking for. Our graduates have gone on to work for companies such as Ogilvy, Warner Bros, Universal, Adidas and many more.

Why choose Advertising, Public Relations and Branding BA Honours at Middlesex?

This unique degree is the only one in the UK which combines the triple threat of advertising, public relations and branding.

It is a brilliant opportunity to become a great all-rounder in modern media practice or to specialize in one of the core disciplines.

We are looking for highly motivated students seeking a career in the world of marketing and communications whether that's working for a brand, an agency, a start up, a blue chip company or the public sector.

What you will gain

People are constantly creating, consuming and sharing content in new and innovative ways. If you’re passionate about working in advertising, brand management or publicity campaigns, then this course will set you up with the tools you need to succeed.

You'll develop an understanding of the roles that PR, advertising and branding play across society. You'll also build a portfolio of work by planning and implementing campaigns, producing adverts and other kinds of promotional content for both traditional and online channels.

Recent students successfully gained employment with the following companies; Forever Beta, Whynot! Innovation Enterprise, Marin Software, APS Group, Adidas and TBWA. Find out more about their roles in our Careers section.

In addition, you'll learn how to work in virtual teams using a variety of project management tools, and you’ll have free licensed access to the latest industry-standard software such as the Adobe Creative Suite to ensure you’ve got the digital skills employers are looking for.

We have 145 years of experience delivering professional, creative and technical education that prepares our students for success in global careers.

3 great reasons to pick this course


92% of students

were positive about the quality of learning resources and facilities on their course (National Student Survey 2023)


Reputation for producing successful graduates

our students have gone on to work for Ogilvy, Warner Bros, Universal, Adidas, Forever Beta, Whynot!, Innovation Enterprise, Marin Software, APS Group, THIRD BRIDGE, Compass Group, HeadShotBG, Samphire Communications Ltd and TBWA


Excellent facilities including digital media suites and radio rooms

a large collection of resources covering work based learning and subject-based areas as well as useful online resources

About your course

About your course

You'll be taught by an experienced teaching team with a wide range of expertise and professional experience. You will learn by attending lectures, seminars and practical workshops. Seminars and workshops are a great opportunity to discuss what you have learnt in lectures and through independent study with your peers and tutors. Most seminar groups have about 25–30 students. Your work will be divided into credits of approximately 10 hours of study time. You will need to complete 120 credits per year, which are broken down into modules of typically 30 credits. In the first year, you will learn how brands both shape culture and are shaped by it, you will explore the art and science of Public Relations. You will also develop your creativity and practical skills in concept development and content design for advertising, PR, and branding industries.

Year 1 - Compulsory modules

This module provides a historical and critical introduction to the development of brands and their complex relationship with media and power in contemporary society.

Specific practices, processes, and industries will be explored alongside key theories and debates about promotional practices within a broader social, cultural, ethical, and political context.

We will consider the role played by the promotional industries in shaping society through consumer culture and the commercial dynamics of media industries during a period of profound change.

The module will draw on case studies to examine how brands both shape culture and are shaped by it.

The foundation for the learning will be core reading from academic and contemporary media sources that will enable you to develop critical and practical vocabularies in preparation for the second and third years of your degree.

Public Relations is both the art and science of managing reputation. Every organisation, large and small, relies on people who can communicate with customers, business partners, the media, or the public.

This module will introduce the concept of public relations as a persuasive form of public communication that exists within the dynamic media environment.

Through exposure to industry examples and case studies, you will consider how PR can assist in raising awareness, changing attitudes and behaviour, and managing relationships.

You will gain skills in copywriting for both traditional and digital media, editing, story-telling, media relations, presenting, and project management.

Creativity is central to successful advertising but plays an equally important role in developing brand strategy and Public Relations campaigns.

The ability to conceptualise, develop and hone creative ideas is a foundational skill for you taking BA Advertising, PR, and Branding: graduates who possess an aptitude for creative thinking and innovation are in high demand in a range of related roles across the creative industries.

This module equips you with foundational strategies and skills in conceptualisation and concept development for a range of advertising applications that will be put into practice and further developed throughout the course.

This module equips you with foundational strategies and skills in conceptualisation and concept development for a range of advertising applications that will be put into practice and further developed throughout the course.

This module focuses on the design of content for print and online publications. You will learn how to design material that communicates information clearly and persuasively, gaining an understanding of the conventions and practices of content design and exploring the history and context of its development in the advertising, PR, and branding industries.

The module will explore the influence of design theories on the production of material in print and web design and you will have to work with industry-standard desktop publishing and web design software to produce material in response to creative briefs.

You will develop an appreciation for the unique demands of designing across different media and for the challenges and opportunities offered by producing material in print, online and mobile formats.

You will use the knowledge and skills developed in this module to gather, analyse and present information in ways that are creative and communicate meaning effectively.

Year 2 - Compulsory modules

With social media and mobile use now ubiquitous, it has become ever more crucial but also more feasible for brands and companies to monitor consumers’ everyday practices and participate in their shared culture.

In order to integrate such grass-roots consumer culture into their advertising, branding, and PR processes, companies need to deploy traditional market and social research methods but also augment these with new methodologies capable of accessing and providing insight from an ever-expanding range of digital data sources.

This module provides you with cognitive skills and ad hoc methodologies for researching consumer culture across offline and online spaces.

Through a range of lectures, case studies, and practical workshops combined with ample and varied opportunities for formative feedback, you will learn how to collect, organise, analyse, visualise and interpret qualitative, quantitative, and digital data as well as connect them to advertising, PR and branding strategies.

Every day the public encounters a variety of media campaigns, be they advertising, PR, political, or expressions of popular democracy. Whatever the purpose, they all involve communication and conversations within society and a ‘call to action' in the receiver.

This module explores the practical process of campaign planning and how best to communicate awareness of a product, service, idea, or societal issue in an effective and engaging way.

Emphasis will be placed on problem-solving and over the course of the module you will undertake primary and secondary research into the audience, develop measurable and achievable goals, conceptualise and develop creative ideas, prepare a media strategy, and finally present a cohesive and compelling IMC campaign plan.

The module will develop your practical campaign planning skills based on briefs set by external clients or organisations and will consist of group work which enable you to develop skills in interpersonal communication and team working.

You will use Industry-standard online project management tools for team organisation and communication as well as keeping track of workflow.

Individually as well as in groups, you will develop creative ideas and produce promotional material in a range of formats, further developing the practical skills acquired in the first year modules in Creative Advertising, Public Relations Practice, and Content Design.

Brands have become integral to all aspects of social life, from the constantly evolving ways in which people use brands as a means of constructing their identities and creating social bonds, to the political as well as commercial value they hold for companies, public institutions, and even individual workers.

In a context where such a diverse range of organisations and individuals are required to imagine and communicate themselves as brands, i.e., as a set of symbols, values, and emotions that convey a certain narrative vision of the world, brand management has emerged as a key discipline that integrates a range of competencies from across the spectrum of marketing communications.

This module introduces you to the discipline of brand management and aims to provide: a critical understanding of the historical development of brands and branding practices; the ability to critically assess the roles of brands in the contemporary global culture and economy; the ability to analyse the components of brand equity and assess different measures of brand value; the ability to design and manage brands.

Year two - Optional

The nature and practices of work are constantly evolving and the creative industries are at the forefront of this evolution. The aim of this module is to establish an in-depth understanding of the creative industries and their specialist sectors.

This module offers key employment and job-seeking skills, including networking, personal branding (including portfolio, CV, and online profile development), and interview training.

It provides you with the opportunity to learn from the experience of recent graduates who have moved into full-time roles as well as network with seasoned professionals. It reviews theoretical frameworks and provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the nature of contemporary working practices.

The module pays particular attention to the role of evolving online technologies in shaping and changing the world of work in the creative industries.

This module also requires you to complete a work placement (100 hours) in a selected sector of the industry, and runs in cooperation with MDX Works as well as external partners such as

You will evaluate your own performance and learning from your own work experience, as well as reflect on the cultural role of the organisation and its place in the industry in which the work experience took place. The work done in this module can feed into a number of third-year modules.

Some students draw upon their work experience as the basis of their final year dissertation while the self-presentation and personal branding skills acquired in this module are developed further in the Social Media and Public Relations module (APM3002).

Short and long-form video content has become an essential component of the promotional mix, ranging from corporate videos for the Business to Business (B2B) sector to branded lifestyle content for social media.

This module will enable you to gain experiences working in professional ‘client-led’ promotional video production scenarios. It enables you to get an insight into working with clients in a professional context in order to enhance their transition into a range of roles across the advertising, PR and branding industries.

The module will also introduce you to ethical and compliance issues by providing them with production opportunities with both external clients and in-house productions.

The emergence of neoliberalism as a dominant paradigm in political-economic thinking and policy since the early 1980s has seen the extension of the market into all aspects of public and private life.

Coupled with the rise of digital communication technologies, the imperative for promotion has become intrinsic to contemporary forms of self-presentation and socialisation, labour, and affect.

This module provides an opportunity to critically engage with the major ethical issues, regulatory frameworks, and political debates arising from these transformations.

Through a range of case studies and independent studies, you will learn about the changes brought about through the rise of promotional cultures and develop advanced skills in critical analysis.

Year 3 - Compulsory modules

This module aims to enable you to demonstrate, in the execution of a complex and large-scale project, high-level academic and/or practical skills, relevant to their field of study and creative and professional interests.

It seeks to test your confidence in your intellectual abilities and capacity to organise your time through an emphasis on self-directed learning and independent research.

It will enable you to identify and apply relevant critical frameworks drawn from their degree programme and relevant to their professional interests and to demonstrate independent thinking in the application and development of theoretical/practical projects.

The ubiquity of social media has transformed the way organisations communicate with audiences and individuals present themselves to the world.

This module introduces you to the ways in which organisations use social media to develop and deliver public relations campaigns and to how those technologies can also be used by individuals to develop a professional profile online.

You can expect to develop skills in the strategic planning, design, and evaluation of online campaigns and in developing their own personal brands, promoting their achievements and capabilities to enhance their employability.

You will gain a strong critical understanding of the modern public relations industry and undertake practical work directly applicable to their development as creative professionals.

In developing their own online professional persona, you will draw upon the work you have produced and the skills you have developed throughout your degree, applying practical and theoretical knowledge in branding and promotion to your own professional development.

This module develops the student’s ability to apply the in-depth knowledge and skills gained from prior learning in relation to a professional practice environment. Students will be required to reflect and evaluate their working practice and be able to adopt a problem-solving approach to practice and a working environment. Sport & Exercise Pathway only There is a compulsory placement module where students will be encouraged to seek short term (minimum of 400 hours) of work experience in a suitable Sport and Exercise Rehabilitation environment; this should be supervised by a suitably qualified practitioner (certified and registered/insured with a professional body; Sports Rehabilitator, Sports Therapist, Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Sports Medicine doctor, or equivalent, dictated by the programme leader).

Advertising has been transformed by the emergence of digital communication technologies and related cultural shifts.

No longer solely concerned with creating and publishing persuasive messages in broadcast media, advertising now involves the co-creation and placement of content across hybrid digital ecosystems by both human and nonhuman actors.

This module provides you with the necessary knowledge to understand the complex relationship between digital technologies and consumer behaviour in this evolving context.

It equips them with the skills to produce and manage advertising content in the major digital platforms (including specific skills in Search Engine Marketing, eg. Facebook Advertising and Google Adwords) as well as, crucially, the ability to adapt to continual change in relation to technology, culture and professional practice in these fields.

Year 3 - Optional

From angry street protests to sophisticated charity lobbying and from populist political insurgencies to online activism, campaigns designed to change society are an integral part of the Twenty-First Century media environment. This module seeks to help you understand how these campaigns develop, what they mean and how they reflect the way in which power works in our societies.

  • You will have the opportunity to put these lessons into action as they plan and deliver a campaign designed to address an issue of importance to their community.
  • You will gain knowledge of a range of different theories of social change and study how those ideas are reflected in recent global events and apply these lessons to the conduct of your own campaign.
  • You have the opportunity to bring together the skills you’ve developed through your degree to plan and deliver a campaign, usually in partnership with an external campaigning organisation.

The process builds your confidence in dealing with the public, press, and authority figures and provides the experience in managing their work in a small group to deliver a real, public-facing, campaign.

This module aims to enable you to understand and develop an awareness of, and capacity for, innovation and enterprise through the initiation and exposition of a proposal and business plan with creative and commercial potential.

The module encourages you to apply your acquired knowledge of advertising, public relations and branding, and new and emerging media processes and techniques, to opportunities for self-employment, entrepreneurship, and business start-ups.

Students taking the module will develop core entrepreneurial skills, including networking, negotiation, presentation, pitching, skills, project planning, time management, and market research.

Places, just like products, require a brand strategy to compete in today’s international globalised environment.

Cities, regions, and nations worldwide have begun to use promotional strategies to position themselves favourably in the minds of target groups such as tourists, businesses, potential residents, and foreign investors.

As an entry into a relatively new and highly interdisciplinary field, this module will explore tourism, investment, migration, planning, and governance through a promotional lens.

Through an interactive mix of lectures, guest lectures, and case studies, you will gain a global understanding of international communication flows and place promotion strategies.

They will also benefit from skills developed in audience segmentation, stakeholder relationship management, public administration, and promotional policy implementation.

To find out more about this highly regarded course, please download the BA Advertising, PR and Branding (PDF).

We review our courses regularly to improve your experience and graduate prospects so modules may be subject to change.

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Our communications are designed to support you in deciding your future and keep you up to date about student finance, employment opportunities and student activities available at Middlesex University.

Teaching and learning


You'll be taught by an experienced teaching team who have a range of expertise and professional experience. As well as practical work using industry software such as Adobe Creative Suite, you’ll be introduced to core concepts through a mix of seminars, workshops, tutorials and independent study that offer opportunities to discuss and develop your ideas both with your lecturers and fellow students. Employers in the creative industries will expect you to work collaboratively with a range of colleagues and clients, and this is reflected in the course. We emphasise not only group project work but also teaching and learning through the use of professional project management platforms. You'll also have the opportunity to participate in a dedicated work placement in year two, during which you'll gain valuable hands-on experience. Teaching and learning benefits from specialist spaces such as Digital Media Labs and film / video equipment from our well-stocked Kit Hub.

You will be studying at our north London campus in Hendon.

Whether you are studying full or part-time – your course timetable will balance your study commitments on campus with time for work, life commitments and independent study.

We aim to make timetables available to students at least 2 weeks before the start of term. Some weeks are different due to how we schedule classes and arrange on-campus sessions.

Typical weekly breakdown

During your first year, your weekly timetable will typically consist of:

  • 8 hours of classes (workshops/seminars/lectures)
  • 1 hour of one-to-one meetings with your tutors
  • Up to 9 hours of supervised time in study/workshops
  • Up to 2 hours of support from Learning Enhancement Team, Student Learning Advisors and Graduate Academic Assistants
  • 6 hours of fieldwork/external visits per term.

Independent Learning

Outside of teaching hours, you’ll learn independently through self-study which will involve reading articles and books, working on projects, undertaking research, and preparing for assessments including coursework, presentations and exams.

Teaching vs independent learning

Here is an indication of how you will split your time:


Percentage Hours Typical activity
33% 390 Teaching, learning and assessment
67% 810 Independent learning

Year 2

Percentage Hours Typical activity
30% 356 Teaching, learning and assessment
62% 744 Independent learning
9% 110 Work placement. (if you choose not to take the work placement module, your teaching, learning and assessment hours will increase to 466 hours).

Year 3

Percentage Hours Typical activity
31% 372 Teaching, learning and assessment
69% 828 Independent learning

Our excellent teaching and support teams will help you develop the skills relevant to your degree from research and practical skills to critical thinking. Our Sheppard Library is open 24 hours a day during term time. And we offer free 24-hour laptop loans with full desktop software, free printing and Wi-Fi to use on or off campus, even over the weekend.

Your learning will be assessed regularly and is made up of 100% coursework. It comprises a variety of assessment formats, ensuring you will have ample opportunity to showcase what you have learnt and what you can do. These might include individual and group research projects and campaign proposals in professional formats (decks and reports), individual and group pitches and presentations, essays, critical reflections and portfolios of creative work.

We'll test your understanding and progress with informal and formal tests.

The informal tests usually take place at least once per module, from which you’ll receive feedback from your tutor. The grades from these tests don’t count towards your final marks.

There are formal assessments for each module, usually at the end, which will count towards your module and your final marks.

Assessments are reviewed annually and may be updated based on student feedback or feedback from an external examiner.

To help you achieve the best results, we will provide regular feedback.

Four students walking through the Hendon campus

North London campus

Our north London campus is 23 minutes away by underground train, travelling from London Kings Cross.

Learn more
Facilities and support

Student support

We offer lots of support to help you while you're studying including financial advice, wellbeing, mental health, and disability support.

Additional needs

We'll support you if you have additional needs such as sensory impairment or dyslexia. And if you want to find out whether Middlesex is the right place for you before you apply, get in touch with our Disability and Dyslexia team.


Our specialist teams will support your mental health. We have free individual counselling sessions, workshops, support groups and useful guides.

Work while you study

Our Middlesex Unitemps branch will help you find work that fits around uni and your other commitments. We have hundreds of student jobs on campus that pay the London Living Wage and above. Visit the Middlesex Unitemps page.

Financial support

You can apply for scholarships and bursaries and our MDX Student Starter Kit to help with up to £1,000 of goods, including a new laptop or iPad.

We have also reduced the costs of studying with free laptop loans, free learning resources and discounts to save money on everyday things. Check out our guide to student life on a budget.


How can our BA Advertising, Public Relations and Branding support your career?

By the end of this course, you will have developed knowledge and skills that are valuable across the creative industries, most specifically in advertising, public relations, brand strategy/consultancy and marketing.

You may go on to become self-employed and run your own business, agency or start-up, or go on to postgraduate study in a related area of media communications, media management and marketing.

Graduate job roles and employers

Recent students successfully gained employment in the following roles after graduating:

  • Creative copywriter at Forever Beta
  • Senior account executive at Whynot!
  • International events director at Innovation Enterprise
  • Social media specialist at Marin Software
  • Account manager at APS Group
  • Researcher at THIRD BRIDGE
  • Student engagement and marketing officer at Compass Group
  • Content and social media manager at HeadShotBG
  • PR account executive at Samphire Communications Ltd
  • Community manager at Adidas
  • Account executive at TBWA.

The students in the last two roles also won the coveted Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence for the highest grades across the School on graduation, exemplifying not just the calibre of the degree but also our vision of how academic achievement and practical expertise go hand in hand.


Our employability service, MDXworks will launch you into the world of work from the beginning of your course, with placements, projects and networking opportunities through our 1000+ links with industry and big-name employers in London and globally.

Our dedicated lifetime career support, like our business start-up support programme and funding for entrepreneurs, has been recognized with the following awards:

  • The top 20 UK universities for business leaders and entrepreneurs – Business Money, 2023 
  • A top 10 university for producing CEOs – Novuana, 2023

MDXcelerator student start-up support

Want to be your own boss? You'll have the chance to pitch your business to gain mentoring and grants of up to £15,000.

Global network

You’ll study with students from 122 countries who’ll hopefully become part of your global network. And after you graduate, we'll still support you through our alumni network to help you progress in your chosen career.

Work placements

While studying with us, our students have gained high-profile placements at companies including Saatchi and Saatchi, MTV and the BBC.

Placements and internships can greatly improve your future job prospects after you graduate. They usually boost your confidence and academic results by giving you the opportunity to practice what have learned in a professional setting.

Our specialist employability service will help you find placement opportunities.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

At Middlesex, we're proud to recognise the potential of future students like you and support you to succeed in your future career. We make fair and aspirational offers because we want you to aim high, and we’ll support you all the way.


UCAS points
112 UCAS points
Access requirements
Overall pass: must include 45 credits at level 3, of which all 45 must be at Merit or higher
A combination of A-Level, BTEC and other accepted qualifications that total 112 UCAS Tariff points

We'll accept T Levels for entry onto this course (and our extended courses with a foundation year) with GCSEs in line with UCAS tariff calculation.

We’ll always be as flexible as possible and take into consideration any barriers you may have faced in your learning. And, if you don’t quite get the grades you hoped for, we’ll also look at more than your qualifications. Things like your work experience, other achievements and your personal statement.

Our entry requirements page outlines how we make offers.

Academic credit

If you have relevant qualifications or work experience, we may be able to count this towards your entry requirements.

If you have a qualification such as a foundation degree or HND or have gained credit at another university, you may be able to join us in year two or three. Find out how you can transfer courses.

Mature students (over 21)

We welcome applications from mature candidates, including those without formal qualifications, provided you can demonstrate relevant experience and ability.

Foundation year

If you don't meet the entry requirements, why not consider our media foundation course to help you prepare for the full degree?

We welcome students from the UK and all over the world. Join students from over 122 countries and discover why so many international students call our campus home:

Quality teaching with top facilities plus flexible online learning

Welcoming north London campus that's only 30 minutes from central London

Work placements and networking with top London employers

Career support to get you where you want to go after university

Global alumni network and connections.


112 UCAS points

We accept a wide range of international qualifications such as A level and International Baccalaureate. You can find out more on your country's support page. If you need help with your application, please contact your nearest regional office.

English language

You'll need good English language skills to study with us. That's usually an IELTS 6.0 qualification (with a minimum of 5.5 in all sections). And, if you need help, we offer an intensive Pre-sessional English course.


To study with us in the UK, you might need a Student visa. Please check to see if this applies to you.

You can apply now via UCAS using the code N567.

Need help with your application? Check out our undergraduate application page.

Personal Statement

Find out how to make a an effective personal statement.


You won't be required to interview for this course. 

Fees and funding

Fees and funding

The fees below are for the 2024/25 academic year:

UK students1

Full-time: £9,250

Part-time: £77 per taught credit

International students2

Full-time students: £16,600

Part-time students: £138 per taught credit

Additional costs

The following study tools are included in your fees:

  • Free access to resources, learning materials and software you need to succeed on your course
  • Free laptop loans for up to 24 hours
  • Free specialist software for your course
  • Free printing for academic paperwork
  • Free online training with LinkedIn Learning.

Scholarships and bursaries

To help make uni affordable, we do everything we can to support you including our:

  • MDX Excellence Scholarship offers grants of up to £2,000 per year for UK students
  • Regional or International Merit Awards which reward International students with up to £2,000 towards course fees
  • Our MDX Student Starter Kit to help with up to £1,000 of goods, including a new laptop or iPad.

Find out more about undergraduate funding and all of our scholarships and bursaries.

Fees disclaimers

1. UK fees: The university reserves the right to increase undergraduate tuition fees in line with changes to legislation, regulation and any government guidance or decisions. The tuition fees for part-time UK study are subject to annual review and we reserve the right to increase the fees each academic year by no more than the level of inflation.

2. International fees: Tuition fees are subject to annual review and we reserve the right to increase the fees each academic year by no more than the level of inflation.

Any annual increase in tuition fees as provided for above will be notified to students at the earliest opportunity in advance of the academic year to which any applicable inflationary rise may apply.

Student testimonial

"I chose Middlesex University because it is very multicultural and I wanted to study with a lot of different people from different cultures. I really like the lecturers, they are very experienced and they have done a variety of things in the past so is great to pick their brains. In terms of the course I specifically enjoy the social media element, and I first had the opportunity to use my skills while working for the North London Story festival on campus.  I now also work in the library, I help with their communications so I can use all the knowledge from the course in real life situations."

Evana Carmel Sequeira

Advertising, PR and Branding BA, 3rd Year Student

Speak directly with one of our Unibuddy student ambassadors

Unistats information

Discover Uni provides applicants with Unistats statistics about undergraduate life at Middlesex.

Please select 'see course data' on the following course option to view the full Unistats data for Advertising, Public Relations and Branding.

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We’ll carefully manage any future changes to courses, or the support and other services available to you, if these are necessary because of things like changes to government health and safety advice, or any changes to the law.

Any decisions will be taken in line with both external advice and the University’s Regulations which include information on this.

Our priority will always be to maintain academic standards and quality so that your learning outcomes are not affected by any adjustments that we may have to make.

At all times we’ll aim to keep you well informed of how we may need to respond to changing circumstances, and about support that we’ll provide to you.