Trebas Institute Quebec Inc.

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Gestion d’événements et de spectacles - Show and Event Management

Trebas Institute Quebec Inc.

Field of Study:Meeting and Event Planning
Length:12 Month(s)
Cost per year:*
National: $9,164

*Valid as of December 31st toward 2024 intakes. NEW Family scholarship: 50% OFF tuition fees***

***Only applies to specific programs and to a first-degree family relationship (Please reach out to the student advisor to find out about the needed proof documents.) Not applicable with any additional scholarship.


Les événements réussis sont alimentés par une organisation efficace, la communication et le personnel expérimenté.

Devenez un professionnel polyvalent et prospère dans l'industrie du spectacle et de la gestion d'événements et de spectacles grâce à notre programme de 12 mois.

Great events are organised effectively with communication and experienced professionals. You can now join these successful and versatile experts after taking this 12-month program.

You will learn to organize festivals, conferences, trade shows, corporate events, concerts, weddings and parties, and as part of this program, you can take advantage of an internship to enhance your skills. This is also the perfect chance to expand your professional network and gain contemporary knowledge that will allow you enter the industry.

Skills and competencies

  • Plan, manage and coordinate event logistics
  • Plan and execute the marketing and promotion of an event
  • Hire, train and supervise support staff
  • Ensure compliance with various laws and regulations
  • Negotiate service agreements
  • Organize the production and logistics of concerts for musicians
  • Modify and adapt the décor and design of venues to suit the theme of an event
  • Develop your professional network
  • Effectively navigate the industry
  • Understand and implement career development activities

Employability and career
83.5% of our students have secured employment
within six months of graduation.

Our graduates have gone on to pursue successful careers in the following roles:

  • Concert promoter
  • Corporate meeting planner
  • Event coordinator
  • Event marketing planner and coordinator
  • Event operations manager
  • Event planner (corporate, conferences, tradeshows, fundraising events, etc.)
  • Party planner (bachelorette/bachelor parties, birthday parties, etc.)


These courses are intended as guidelines. Speak to your guidance counsellor to see what courses are offered at your school.
    Critères d'admission

    En vertu des dispositions de l'article 4 du règlement sur l'enseignement collégial concernant les conditions d'admission, une personne qui a reçu un enseignement considéré comme suffisant par le collège et qui remplit l'une des conditions suivantes peut être admise à un programme d'études menant à une Attestation d'études collégiales :

    • La personne a interrompu ses études à temps plein ou a poursuivi des études postsecondaires à temps plein pendant au moins deux trimestres consécutifs ou une année scolaire ;
    • La personne est couverte par une entente conclue entre le collège et un employeur ou par un programme d'études gouvernemental ;
    • La personne a interrompu ses études à temps plein pendant un trimestre et a poursuivi des études postsecondaires à temps plein pendant un trimestre ; ou
    • La personne est titulaire d'un diplôme d'études professionnelles (DEP).

    Documents requis pour votre admission :

    Toute demande d'admission doit être accompagnée des documents suivants :

    • Le formulaire de candidature dûment rempli
    • Frais de dossier non remboursables de 50$CAD et frais d'admission de 200$CAD (250$CAD)
    • Certificat de naissance (copie certifiée conforme)
    • Relevé de notes ou diplôme le plus récent :
    • Délivré par le MES (Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur), si l'étudiant se trouve au Québec
    • Délivré par la province ou le territoire, si un étudiant hors Québec
    • Délivré par l'établissement ou l'État, si un étudiant étranger

    Tout document officiel délivré à l'extérieur du Québec doit être une copie certifiée conforme ou l'original.

    Les documents rédigés dans une langue autre que le français ou l'anglais doivent être accompagnés d'une traduction officielle.

    Entry requirements:

    Under the provisions of section 4 of the College Education Regulations concerning the conditions of admission, a person who has received instruction considered sufficient by the college and meets any of the following conditions may be admitted to a program of studies leading to an Attestation of College Studies:

    • 1. The person has interrupted his or her full-time studies or pursued full-time postsecondary studies for at least 2 consecutive terms or 1 school year;
    • 2. The person is covered by an agreement entered into between the college and an employer or by a government program of studies;
    • 3. The person has interrupted his or her full-time studies for one term and pursued full-time postsecondary studies for one term; or
    • 4. The person holds a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS/DEP).


    All applications for admission must be accompanied by the following documents:

    • Completed application form
    • Non-refundable application fee of $50 CAD
      and Admission fee of $200 CAD
    • Birth certificate (certified copy)
    • Most recent academic transcript or diploma:
      Issued by MES (Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur), if a student in Quebec; Issued by the province or territory, if a student outside Quebec; Issued by the institution or state, if an international student.

      Any official documents issued outside Quebec must be a certified copy or the original. Documents written in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by an official translation.

    * We make every attempt to provide accurate information on prerequisites, programs, and tuition. However, this information is subject to change without notice and we highly recommend that you contact the school to confirm important information before applying.

    Request More Information about this Program

    *First Name:
    *Last Name:
    *Phone: (include area code)
    *Interested Programs: (up to 10)
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    Modified on April 08, 2024

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