St. George’s University Provides Effective Study Tips

By St. George's University Modified on September 07, 2012

St. George's UniversityThe beginning of a new semester can be daunting for veterinary medical students. The exams are challenging, course work is intensive, and professors are often demanding. Leaders at St. George’s University, a pioneer in global medical education, understand that there is an adjustment period for students. For some, this can be a very stressful time, but for those who have mastered the art of studying, this term’s exams should be painless.

- The first step to effective studying is taking excellent notes. Keeping notes in an outline format is usually most effective, as it helps keep them organized and comprehensible. Reviewing class notes is another way of staying on top of class material. Reviewing notes regularly helps with content retention and preparing for the next class.

- Another method for ensuring you fully understand class material is creating a practice test. Come up with questions you think could be on an exam and see if you know the answers. Even better, get together with a group of friends and test each other.

- Vocabulary is also often a huge portion of exams. Flash cards have been shown to be the most effective way of memorizing key words and their meanings. Take it a step further and color code your flash cards to categorize the vocabulary so you’ll easily recognize the terms during the exam.

- Time management may be the most important factor for acing exams. Set aside some time throughout the term to review class material and textbooks. This will ensure you’re not cramming or pulling an “all-nighter” hours before the big test.

Most universities offer programs for students who need some extra help with their academics as well. St. George’s University’s Department of Educational Services is such a program — it teaches students how to learn and teachers how to teach. Most of the University’s students and many of the professors, in all schools, avail themselves of the support offered through a variety of innovative programs, including time management, note-taking skills, and utilizing technology effectively in teaching and learning. Recently, the Department was presented the 2011 Outstanding Institutional Advising Program Certificate of Merit Award by the National Academic Advising Association for its Supplemental Learning program, making it the first Caribbean institution outside of Puerto Rico to be recognized by the organization.

Students in need of some extra assistance should seek out education programs such as these. Information on the St. George’s University is available at, and through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ at StGeorgesU.

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