How to Avoid Exam Stress at the U of S

By University of Saskatchewan Modified on September 17, 2010

By Heather Pitman, University of Saskatchewan student

The reality is that university classes are tougher than high school, and when you go to a high quality university, like the University of Saskatchewan for example, you realize that classes are no joke.

Imagine a library filled with messy-haired, pajama-wearing, stressed-looking students staring themselves cross-eyed at laptops. Yep, it’s exam time. The library is open for late-night Safe Study, but unfortunately these students didn’t take advantage of all the U of S has to offer. This doesn’t have to be you! You read this article, so you know that they’re sitting in the Learning Commons, where there are help centres for math and writing. One thing none of them missed, though? Starbucks. Ground floor, main library. Just hook me up to a central line now, thanks. We also have group study rooms available at the Learning Commons.

Learning Communities (link “Learning Communities” to are a great way to meet other first-year students and form friendships. Then, if you ever miss class (only because you’re sick!) you have someone you can get notes from. The University Learning Centre’s website also offers some time management strategies and a Peer Assisted Learning program. Make sure to check out the online Research Paper Planner too!

My advice, in short, is this: keep the stress low, drink some coffee, check your facebook, work out at the gym, study hard, listen to your professors, take thorough notes, don’t skip class and never sleep during lectures! If you do all those things, your time at the University of Saskatchewan is bound to be successful!

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