
Computer Science Technology

Diploma of College Studies (DCS)
Gamers with headphones intensely focused on competitive video gaming at an esports event with a red neon-lit ambiance.


Explore the fascinating art of creating your own video game universe with this DCS in Computer Science Technology. Using the industry’s leading programming tools (Unity, Unreal, C/C++/C#, Gameplay), this video game development course will teach you essential programming skills. Developed with some of the world’s biggest video game studios, this video game programmer training offers you the necessary knowledge to secure a top position in the industry.
Next session starts August 26, 2024
3 years (6 semesters, 2670 hours)
Teaching language
English, French
Mode of Delivery
On-campus, Online

Start Dates

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A cheerful bald man with a beard, wearing round glasses and a gray hoodie with a logo, posing against a white background.
Turning one's passion for video games into a promising career.
DCS in Computer Science Technology - Video Game Programming - Philipe N. Gouveia
A vibrant group of friends poses for a selfie, capturing a moment of laughter and friendship on the stairs.

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