Master of Engineering in Integrated Wood Design

The Master of Engineering in Integrated Wood Design (MEng) educates students in the field of modern wood structures with a focus on up-to-date structural design, seismic design and mixed structures, as well as building physics, energy efficiency and sustainability.

MEng lab

The program’s aim is to educate and train qualified professionals and engineers to become leaders in the field of wood engineering.

Our students come from a variety of undergraduate programs from British Columbia, Canada, and all over the world to develop the knowledge and design skills that will contribute to the evolution and innovation occurring in the construction industry.

Five Pillars of Instruction

1. Wood Mechanics and Timber Structures - Students gain a deep understanding of wood. Starting with an understanding of the supply chain, students come to appreciate the sustainable nature of wood, its unique structure, its living nature, and its strengths and weaknesses, in relationship to other commonly used building materials.

2. Building Science - Students will learn how to evaluate and design modern buildings, focusing on fire, acoustics, energy efficiency, healthy living and durability.

3. Sustainability - Students study and come to appreciate a range of state-of-the-art sustainable designs and how those designs fit within the broader social and political context of sustainability.

4. Hands-on Experience - The only way to experience wood is to work with it, as it is one of the most complex building materials. Students build small-scale structures to explore the versatility and complexity of wood structures. Community or industry internships may be included.

5. Team Work - At the core of successful design teams is the ability to communicate effectively and integrate different points of view. Students undertaking this program are immersed in the science and art of design team work. Multi-disciplinary teams work together throughout the program to build effective communication skills by working with individuals with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of experts such as technical experts, professional engineers, architects, and community members.


Meng class

The curriculum consists of 8 courses plus a final project with a total of 33 credits over 12 months, developing integrated design and research skills.

Our Curriculum provides students with a comprehensive and efficient learning experience that they can complete in just one year.


Lecture theatre

Credential Earned: Master of Engineering (MEng)
Duration: 12 months
Year Starts: September
International Applications Accepted: Yes
Location: Prince George, British Columbia

Tuition Fees 

Admission requirements