Control Your Stress; Don’t Let It Control You

By University of Calgary Modified on April 18, 2016

Exam stress is normal, but don’t let it get the best of you!


With classes winding down and exam preparation underway, you may feel like papers are piling up and stress is mounting. Library all-nighters and non-stop coffee aren’t the only ways to get you through exam season, so here are some tips to help you beat the exam-time stress:

Recognize signs of stress

Having trouble sleeping or experiencing headaches, shortness of breath, anger or nervousness? If so, you might be experiencing high levels of stress. While a small amount of stress can be beneficial to push us to accomplish tasks quickly, knowing when you are reaching your limits and when stress is beginning to have a negative impact on your health is vital to dealing with it effectively.

Learn to accept and address stress

Stress is a normal response to stimuli in our environment that everyone experiences. However, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, it may be time to take a break and think about what you can do to release some of your fear or anxiety. Eating a healthy meal, doing a workout, getting a good night’s rest, or even taking a deep breath and going for a 10-minute walk can make you feel more balanced and ultimately make your studying more effective.

Take advantage of school supports

For tips on how to prepare for exams while taking care of your physical and emotional well being, check out the SU Wellness Centre’s Wellness Guide, specifically the section on Academic wellness. For one-on-one assistance, take advantage of the University of Calgary’s Counselling Services, which are available to all students. Don’t forget that for writing support you can always visit the Student Success Centre on campus.

Remember, life balance, organization and seeking support from others can help you control the stress, instead of letting it control you.

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