Boosting Your Academic Performance

By Concordia University Modified on September 15, 2015

September – the start of a new school year. You’ve turned the page, you’re starting with a clean slate – any “fresh start” metaphor you can think of! – and the next 10 months stretch out in front of you, bright with possibilities. Here are some tips for setting yourself up for success this year, with resources from Concordia University.

Take control of your time
If you want to do your best work, you’ll need to give yourself enough time. An excellent paper is not something most people can easily whip up at the last minute. If you can, congratulations, but you may be shaving years off your life due to the stress of operating that way! And that likely won’t be sustainable once you get to university, where you’ll be juggling an even more intensive schedule and often-competing deadlines. Work back from your due date to make a daily schedule and stick to it. Online tools like the Assignment Calculator will chart a course for you, based on your deadline.

Study as you go
It’s easier by far to keep up, than to play catch up. By implementing a few simple practices, you’ll be doing yourself a big favour by studying effectively as you go. For example: be systematic in your note-taking and review.

Tap into your source of inspiration
You’re working hard to get the marks you need for admission to the university of your choice. But what’s your big-picture vision? At Concordia, we believe it’s a small world and we’re all connected, with each of playing a role in shaping the future. How do you see yourself making your mark? Think about how you’re going to build the world you want to live in and you’ll automatically have a sense of purpose to guide you as you pursue your academic goals.

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