Your Career Search Starts Here

By University of Calgary Modified on June 16, 2015

Career development is an ongoing process that will continue throughout your lifetime. Whether you are looking for a summer job, an internship or a full-time job beyond graduation, establishing effective work search skills is critical.

University of Calgary Career Services offers a number of professional services to help you with your career exploration and job search. With resources ranging from formal assessments and resume reviews, to networking events and career fairs, Career Services provides assistance that supports your journey from admission to graduation and beyond.

Here are a few questions Career Services can help you answer to enhance both your short-term job search and your long-term career plan:

What are my strengths?
Finding out what you are passionate about through formal strength and personality assessments can help you make career decisions by better understanding yourself. Our career specialists are trained and certified in the administration of these tests and will help you to use the results to support your career development.

How do I tap into the job market?
Career Services can connect you with networking tips, advise you how to promote yourself on social media and help you with your job search.

How do I prepare for an interview?
Refining your resume and cover letter can help you get an interview but acing the interview can help you get the job. Find interview strategies, questions to ask the interviewer and more on our Career Services website.

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