Nurturing Mind, Body & Soul - Taking Control of Stress

By Algonquin College Modified on April 08, 2015

Algonquin College offers expertise, events and facilities that help you succeed


Exams. Projects. Deadlines. New environments…College does indeed have stress. However, the good news is stress reduction can be addressed with a number of techniques – such as:

Sleep. Sleeping is by far the greatest stress reducer. It doesn’t just entail an eight-hour sleep per night; naps count for something too.

Diet. Maintaining a healthy diet can reduce stress levels. First, it forces you to structure your day since you will need to take time off to eat. Second, you are more likely to stay within budget since you are planning at least some of your meals. Three, you will experience the satisfaction that comes with being in control of your situation.

Fun. If stress makes it harder to concentrate, then it will take you twice as long to complete your work. It makes sense to take time off so that you can complete your work in a fraction of time. Algonquin College continually organizes stress reduction events:

  • The Ball Pit, coinciding with Mental Health Awareness, has been popularized on such shows as Oprah.
  • The AC Purple Couch promotes mental health awareness amongst students, and presents valuable mental health resources to support students and foster success throughout their college experience.
  • Paws 4 Stress takes its cue from The American Veterinary Medical Association which defines the human-animal bond as “…mutually beneficial [and] is influenced by behaviors that are essential to the health and well-being of both.” Algonquin Student Services organizes the events.
  • The Algonquin Peer Tutoring Centre matches current students who are having academic difficulties with trained students for one-to-one tutoring.
As well, Algonquin Health Services offers resources and services, operating from the perspective that the “college experience is about nurturing students — mind, body, and soul.”

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