One Easy Way to Get Relevant Work Experience


You’re academically qualified – but the job you’re applying for is asking for relevant work experience.

What do you do?

Many students have trouble finding work experience before graduation. The solution? Find a program that gets you into the workforce before you leave school.

Humber College has a wide range of programs where students complete paid work term – a path that student Michael Thompson opted to take.

“I think this will set me ahead of students who may not have had this experience,” says Michael, who is in Humber’s Bachelor of Commerce – Human Resources Management degree program. “This is one of the reasons I choose to pursue my degree at Humber College. They actually give you hands-on experience in your field so that when you are ready to go out in the workplace you are already equipped with some experience under your belt.

Thompson, 23, is on a 14-week paid internship with Humber’s Human Resources (HR) department. He is an assistant to the Human Resources office manager Eloise Etcubanez.

“Over the years I’ve hired interns coming from various Humber HR programs and these students have exceeded those standards,” said Etcubanez. “They understand the theory and when they begin to intern with us, they understand how to combine those theories in the workplace. Our internship programs help students to set a foundation on how to act appropriately, to be professional and responsible in the workplace and how to ask for help. Our approach is to provide clarity to our students throughout this experience,” said Etcubanez.

Interested in working before you graduate? Find out more about Humber’s business degrees that incorporates relevant work experience into their academic curriculum.

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