Tips for applying to University

By Western University Modified on December 05, 2017
Tags : Academics

Western’s suggestions for a successful university application.


Once you have decided on the post-secondary institution you would like to attend your next step will be to complete an official application. But before applying, ensure you have the Admission Requirements for your preferred area of study. In addition to prerequisite high school courses, many programs also have a list of other requirements or recommendations. These can take the form of additional high school courses that will help you progress in your program. Some programs may also require an essay, interview, portfolio or audition in order to complete your application. Make sure you pay attention to these additional requirements and start working on them well in advance of any deadlines.

Now you understand what’s needed to apply for your program(s) you are ready to begin your application. The Ontario Universities' Application Centre's (OUAC) website will be your starting point for applying to Western and any other Ontario university. You can browse all Western’s programs on the OUAC site before creating your account. Depending on where you live, the application form you submit will be different. To determine which application form is the correct one for you, answer a few questions using the Selecting an Application tool.

When creating your OUAC application you will be asked to provide some personal and contact information, and also provide details about the high school(s) you attended. You are now set to start your application to Western and can apply for up to three different programs.

Still have questions about applying to Western? Find out more at

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