5 Tips To Use Your Debit Card Like A Pro

By RBC Modified on November 22, 2017
Tags : Money

Avoid unnecessary fees


Whether you’ve just been given your first debit card or you’ve been using one for a couple of years now, we’ve got some tips to help you avoid extra fees, keep your money safe, and stay on top of how much you’re spending – so you’ve always got enough in the bank when you want to use your card.

1. Use Your Bank’s ATMs

For example, if you’re an RBC customer and need some cash, you can withdraw the money you need for free at any RBC ATM (as long as you’re sticking to the transaction limit that comes with your account). If you use another bank’s ATM, you’ll get charged an additional fee, usually ranging from $3 to $5. While it might not seem like a lot, those extra few dollars can snowball pretty fast if you make it a habit. And watch out for no-name ATMs you find at some restaurants and convenience stores – they may charge even more!

With more than 4,200 ATMs across Canada and easy ways to find one close to you.

2. Get Cash Back

OK, so sometimes you’re just not going to be close to an RBC ATM. We get that. But instead of visiting another bank’s machine and getting charged a fee, you can ask for cash back at bigger stores (like grocery stores, big box shops and some clothing stores). When you pay with your debit card, just ask for cash back before finishing up your purchase. Not only do you avoid the transaction fee, but the withdrawal doesn't count toward your monthly debits.

Continue reading the rest of our tips here.

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