How An Internship Will Give You A Leg-up

Getting experience in your field of study before you graduate will set you apart!


How many times have you been asked in an interview “do you have any experience?” And of course you’re thinking “none, that’s why I’m applying.” Thousands of promising young candidates are overlooked simply because they don’t have the relevant work experience, no matter what their degree, grades, or resume may look like. That’s why it’s important you consider a school or program that offers a work term. Internships and co-ops give you valuable hands-on experience even before you graduate. Long considered a hallmark of just trade schools, many institutions now offer internships in arts, business and media programs as part of their curriculum.

Humber College prides itself on offering work placements in many of its programs. David Sylvester, a fourth year student in Humber’s Bachelor of Public Relations degree program, shared his thoughts on his placement experience. “It felt great to finally get my feet wet in the field of PR. Getting to put the skills and concepts I learned in the classroom into practice in a real work environment was highly gratifying. It went along way to both build my confidence and allow me to put the theories I learned into context. I can honestly say I’m fully prepared for my first real job in PR, since I now have actual experience under my belt.”

Relevant work experience is an increasingly common requirement of employers. The easiest way to meet this demand and set yourself apart is gaining that experience in a program that offers work placement before you graduate. When choosing a school or program consider Humber. They offer numerous work placements, all of which will give you the experience, skills and confidence that will set you apart from the competition, and allow you to answer “yes” to that dreaded question.

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