It’s 2015, Take Control!

By University of Gloucestershire Modified on January 14, 2015
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Being a student should be one of the best experiences you ever have. Outside of your studies you’ll have loads of free time, unless you’re also working a part-time job to the tune of 20 hours a week or you’re studying Law (if you are, keep it up! You’re doing great!). Make sure you take advantage of this stage of your life! Try not to spend too much of it sitting around in your onesie watching Netflix or nursing a hangover watching Game of Thrones box sets.

But wait – that’s what being a student is all about, right? Staying out late, sleeping in later and crawling to lectures in your pajamas before you do it all over again. That may be part of it. Enjoy the freedom that comes with being a student BUT also take responsibility for your self-development.

You will never have as much free time and opportunity as you will in your first two years of University so enjoy the independence but try to do things to enrich your University experience, your life and even your job prospects .

  • Get involved in your Student Union – This looks great to employers and becoming an officer full-time or part-time will give you a real sense of ownership over events at your Uni.
  • Join a Club or Society – Or 3! This is your opportunity to expand your social circle, get involved, become active and make great friends. You’ll soon look forward to Wednesday night socials and rocking up to lectures the next morning head to toe in blue paint dressed as a smurf…
  • Internships/placements– Paid or unpaid these are a surefire way for you to gain extra knowledge and experience in your area of study and future industry and will show your ambition on imminent applications.
  • Volunteer – Not only is this a great way to get involved in your local community and to give back , but few things speak to your character louder on a CV.
  • Study Abroad/travel- Studying abroad and travelling will give you the cultural dexterity you need to succeed and think on a larger scale. As market places become increasingly global we can no longer afford to think strictly local.
Your student life will be fleeting and you’ll forever reflect fondly on your years at Uni. You will also never be presented with so many opportunities to involve yourself in new things. Take time to enjoy yourself – to have late nights and lazy days with friends – but also devote time to your personal development. This is the time to invest in yourself to ensure an awesome future non-student life.
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