The Search Is On! But Where Do You Start?

By University of Gloucestershire Modified on October 08, 2014
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It’s that time of year. The hallways of your high school are buzzing as students set about searching for Universities. But wait… this is the rest of your life we’re talking about here! How are you supposed to decide what you want to do with the next 3 or 4 years? You can’t even decide what you want for lunch! Heck, maybe your Mum still packs you a lunch! But fear not young pre-frosh! Here are a few tips to point you in the right direction.

What Course?
Pick a course of study. Do not worry this does not determine your career for the rest of your life. Graduate jobs are rarely a direct result of your course choice. But when filling out applications Universities like to see commitment and interest. If you want to pursue a joint degree make sure both courses feel the love. Avoid being vague and using descriptors like ‘free spirit’. You say ‘free spirit’ and Universities hear ‘indecisive’. The goal is to get a foot in the door. If you eventually decide that Biology isn’t your thing and you want to be a Journalist, cross that bridge when you come to it.

Course and University Reputation?
Do some research into graduate employment rates from your chosen Universities, what’s the ratio of faculty to students? What kind of jobs and careers are graduates of your chosen course going on to? Does the University offer opportunities to engage in career building? Internships? Paid placements? Be aware of entry requirements. Don’t be afraid to reach and don’t undervalue yourself, but be realistic. Personal statements are opportunities to make up for shortcomings elsewhere but a great personal statement still won’t make a B average an A average.

You could potentially spend the next 4 years of your life here. Sure it’s got the right course and more clubs and societies than you could shake a stick at! But are you prepared for the hustle and bustle of a city for the next 4 years? Inversely, will you get bored living in a smaller town? How close do you want to be to home? What are the transportation links like? And of course the bars! Will it cater to your social scene?

Now relax and have fun! This is an exciting time and whatever your choice – trust that it will be the right one for you.

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