Hitting the Books: Studying for Success

By Seneca College Modified on September 10, 2014
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Tests can be daunting. However, if you’re facing your first college tests, you might also have anxiety about what to expect and how to prepare. There are many tips, techniques and services to help you succeed.

Whether you need help with the transition from high school to college, tutoring in a particular subject or a learning disability, there is a service at your college to help.

For example, Seneca’s Learning Centres present workshops for students on a range of helpful topics including listening and note taking skills. Learning strategists are also available to provide one-on-one support with other academic challenges.

Here are some helpful tips from the Learning Centres to get your year off on the right track:

  • In order to improve your listening skills, participate constructively. Ask questions when you don’t understand or ask the instructor to repeat themselves if they are speaking too quickly.
  • If you want to get more out of your reading, there are a number of techniques you can try. For example, you might want to try the SQ4R system which means to Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Record and Review your texts. For more information on how this technique works, visit successcenter.truman.edu/userfiles//SQ4Rgetsthemostoutofyourtextbook.pdf.
  • When you are trying to memorize course material, break your studying into short time periods. You may want to recite information out loud as you write it, try using rhymes, songs or pictures, or listen to recorded definitions to help you remember.
  • If you have a test or exam coming up, develop a study calendar two weeks prior to the test.

For other helpful tips, visit senecacollege.ca/student/success/success-strategies.

If you need assistance understanding course material, you may also consider getting a free tutor from the Learning Centres. At Seneca, tutoring is available one-on-one or in small groups.

For more information on Seneca’s Learning Centres, visit senecacollege.ca/learningcentres.

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