Location, Location, Location

By Seneca College Modified on September 10, 2013
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Finding a good study space is almost as important as how you study. 

Selecting your ideal spot to study depends on the type of studying you’re doing. Here are some tips for either creating or finding the right study environment:

Individual Study
  1. Set aside a work area just for studying. If you use the area only for studying, you’ll associate it with studying and will find it easier to settle down to work. 
  2. Study in a quiet place. Keep the TV and radio turned off. If you prefer some background noise, turn the volume down so it’s not distracting.
  3. Get comfortable, but not too comfortable. If your chair is too uncomfortable, sitting in it for a long period of time will make it hard for you to concentrate. But if you lie in bed or curl up in an armchair, you may doze off. Sit at a table or desk in a moderately comfortable, straight-backed chair. 
  4. Keep your study space uncluttered. Remove everything from your study area except for what you’re studying at the time. If you can, arrange your desk so that it is facing a blank wall. This way, pictures, calendars, or whatever is going on outside your window won’t distract you. 
  5. Be sure that there is adequate lighting. Reading in poor light will cause your eyes to become sore and may make you sleepy. If necessary, buy a small desk lamp. 

Group Study

  1. Find the right fit. Make sure the space facilitates group work and is large enough to accommodate the size of your group.
  2. Be considerate of those around you. Look for a space where you can engage in discussion and debate without disturbing other students.
  3. Minimize social distractions. Study in a space that is private enough that your study group doesn’t become a social drop-in. 

If you don’t have the ideal study conditions in residence or at home, or if you want to study between classes, there are lots of places to study on-campus at Seneca such as the library and group study rooms. You can even plan ahead by reserving study rooms online.

Once you’ve found or created the perfect study environment, you’re ready to begin studying effectively! You can find lots of helpful study tips and resources on the Seneca website or through Seneca’s Learning Centres.

Find out more at www.senecacollege.ca
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