Got Skills? – Make sure one of them is studying

By University of Northern British Columbia Modified on September 10, 2013
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Studying is often thought of as an activity consisting of reading and memorization.  While this might describe some of what is required, studying is actually a skill set - one of the most important skill sets that a student attending a university can learn to develop.  One of the best steps that a student can take is to visit a learning centre on their campus to learn a variety of study strategies one can use in and outside the classroom.
At the University of Northern British Columbia, students can visit the Academic Success Centre to meet one-to-one with a Study Skills tutor or to book a learning consultation with a learning strategist.   These experts work directly with students to teach them memory strategies, time management skills, note-taking methods, and textbook reading strategies.  A great place to start is with a Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), which provides a baseline of strengths and weaknesses. The tutor or learning consultant will use this tool to assist the student with strategies in weak areas.  Study Skills tutors can further assist with exam anxiety, and can help students understand their own personal learning styles and how to use them to their best advantage.  The best part is all of these personalized services are free.  The Academic Success Centre also has a variety of online resources for all students to access, including study skills tips and videos.  Whether you are currently in high school or studying at another post-secondary institution, please take the opportunity to visit the Centre’s webpage at
Studying is a transferable skill that will not only assist you during your time as a student, but also in the workplace.  Skills such as organization, planning, and time-management are valued and sought by employers.  Working with a Study Skills tutor can be one of the best ways to quickly learn how to effectively master these tools.  
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