First Week of University...Check!

By Tyndale University College Modified on August 12, 2013
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Now what? There’s a lot to consider in your first year of university. Make friends. Attend frosh events. Find the right books and so much more. Like any new student, you’re probably wondering what the first year will be like and how you can make the most of your freshmen year. At Tyndale University College you can find the support to make your first year an overall success. Here are two things to remember.

1. Start Well – Stay Focused

Make sure to have fun your first week.


  • Go to frosh events!
  • Be open to new friends.
  • Enjoy your new community!
  • Drop by the student life department to learn about upcoming events and how you can get involved.


Register for classes early. Buy your books. Develop a study schedule that fits your academic goals. Talk to Tyndale’s academic support office right away to learn about helpful workshops for achieving your academic goals. If you are concerned about money, learn how to make a budget at Tyndale’s Financial Aid office.

2. Seek a Balance – Stay Healthy Throughout the Year

Seeking a balance involves staying active, developing healthy sleeping habits, and investing in your own spiritual well-being. Attend community chapels and join a prayer group. Drop by the Athletics Department and learn how our Athletics Director Louis will work with you to achieve your physical goals.

Tyndale’s counselling services can help you stay balanced. A counsellor can provide you with the tools to flourish as a student, or they can act as a listening ear and encouraging voice throughout your time at Tyndale.

Start well and stay balanced. These are the keys to first year success!

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